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Chilling Google search before Sydney massacre suspect stabbed to death

Chilling Google search before Sydney massacre suspect stabbed to death


Mass murderer Joel Couch Googled about knives and methods of killing before stabbing six people to death in Bondi Westfield on Saturday.

Mr Couch, a paranoid schizophrenic, was obsessed with murder and had an obsession with knives, police told Current Affairs crime editor Simon Bouda.

At first, everyone thought he was a schizophrenic man who had gone insane and had words in his head, Bouda explained at the ACA on Monday night.

I learned today that investigators were able to download data from his cell phone. It shows that he was obsessed with murder.

He also had an obsession with knives. This indicates that it was not a sudden attack. Beforehand he thought about killing people, which is very scary.

New evidence has emerged suggesting Joel Couch's horrific actions may have been carefully planned.

When asked if Couch was researching the murder on his cell phone, Bouda replied, “Yes, I understand that.”

It is also claimed that Couch was seen at two other Westfield shopping centers around Sydney Penrith and Parramatta, and investigators believe he was also looking for possible attacks at these shopping centers. I am wondering if this is the case.

Mr Bouda went on to say that in recent weeks he had been heard to have been seen at Westfield in Penrith and Parramatta.

Reports say Couch Googled about knives and methods of killing before stabbing six people to death in Bondi Westfield on Saturday.New South Wales Police

What was going on in his mind? Was he looking at other places that he deemed suitable for what he wanted to do? Did he just visit?

who knows. But it happened very quickly.

Bouda also said that before delivering the fatal blow, Couch walked up behind the two victims and did not speak to or look at them.

The first woman was queuing to buy a coffee when a man came up behind her and stabbed her in the back, crime editor Simon Bouda said.

He stabbed another woman in the back and didn't even look at them.

On Monday, Couch's father speculated that Couch targeted women because he wanted a girlfriend and was frustrated.

How did the family know their son was a murderer?

When Couch's family saw footage of the massacre on TV, they reportedly believed it was their son and alerted authorities.

Mr Couch's parents are said to be supporting the police officer who used a knife to kill six people and seriously injure 12 others at Westfield Bondi Junction before shooting him dead.

Speaking in Brisbane, Queensland Police Deputy Commissioner Roger Rowe said the 40-year-old had been in contact with police over the past four years due to mental health issues, but had no criminal record.

His family cooperated with police, telling them that Couch, who grew up in Queensland, had lived a drifting life and had intermittent contact with police.

It was revealed today that investigators were able to download data from his mobile phone, which shows he had a penchant for murder, said Simon Bouda, Crime Editor at Current Affair (not pictured). ) said. FLAVIO BRANCALEONE/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Assistant Commissioner Lowe said it was a difficult time to tell anyone that they had lost their son.

Their first thought to us was to express their concern for the families and victims of these crimes.

And especially their thoughts about police officers who had to act bravely in such a way.

Couch's family reported that their son had been sleeping in their car and at a backpacker hostel.

Pikulia Dalkia, 55, was one of the victims in the fatal stabbing.Handouts to families

Assistant Commissioner Lowe said Queensland Police last had contact with Couch in December, but there was no indication so far that the man was capable of such a horrific act. He emphasized that there was no such thing.

He has not been charged, arrested or prosecuted for any offense in Queensland and has no record of a domestic violence order in court.

Murderer's father dies

On Monday, Couch's parents said they were deeply troubled by their son's actions.

Dawn Singleton, 25, the daughter of millionaire businessman John Singleton, also lost her life.linkedin

His father, Andrew Couch, heartbreakingly told the media that he was a beautiful boy who had let himself down by going off his medication.

Mr. Couch spoke of his pain and heartache for families who have lost loved ones.

Mr Couch said this outside his home in Rockville, near Toowoomba.

This is so scary that I can't even explain it.

Faraz Tahir also lost his life during the attack.Handouts to families

I'm just devastated, I love my son.

Couch said her son was diagnosed with schizophrenia when he was 17 years old, and decided to get off his medication as he felt better.

He said that when I learned that my son was mentally ill, I became his servant, and I became his servant because I loved him.

He let himself down and was feeling so well that he stopped taking his medication, but then left for Brisbane.

You have no idea how beautiful this boy was. I had no choice, I tried my best to help his son.

I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do or say to bring the dead back to life.

I love monsters. To you he is a monster, but to me he was a very sick boy.

Asked why she thought her son targeted women during the assault, Ms Couch said she understood why NSW Police believed that was his son's motive.

Couch said he wanted a girlfriend but had no social skills and was mentally frustrated.

Couch's mother, Michelle, said her son's behavior was extremely out of line despite his struggles with mental health.

Mrs. Couch said: “I am so sorry for what our son did.”

I don't know why he did that, but it was very out of character.

He was a loving, well-loved child and had been under the care of doctors for about 18 years. He was taking the medication well, so he asked his doctor to reduce the dose.

Mr Couch's parents are said to be supporting the police officer who shot him dead after using a knife to kill six people at Westfield Bondi Junction. Joel Couch/Facebook

He did it for many years.

Couch said she didn't think her son was aware of what he was doing during his violent rampage.

She said it's a nightmare for parents of children with mental illness to have something like this happen.

If he were in his right mind, he would be completely devastated by what he did.

Six people died on Saturday, five women and one man, and 12 remained in hospital Sunday morning. AP

He is clearly insane and has somehow fallen into a psychosis and lost touch with reality.

killer social media posts

Just six days before the horrific incident, Mr Couch posted on social media that he was looking for a surfing buddy at Bondi Beach.

For years, Couch often posted to Facebook hobby groups seeking tips for friendships and activities like astrophotography.

In December 2020, in a post that now has dark undertones, he wrote on his Outdoor Adventures page asking members if they would like to join him for a photo session.

Hello, I'm looking for a group of people who shoot guns, including handguns. To meet, chat and get to know each other, the 40-year-old wrote.

Please DM if you would like to help! By the way, I live in Brisbane.

New South Wales Police say Couch acted alone and had mental health issues, and are currently denying any links to terrorist ideology.

The man who was captured on harrowing footage running around the center holding a knife and wearing a green and gold kangaroo jersey is believed to have suffered from schizophrenia.

Police visited Ms Couch's childhood home in Toowoomba on Sunday, where neighbors told the media they had seen Joel and were upset. ”

The man said it was a spin-out and he wished it had been done here, according to the Daily Telegraph.

They seem like a nice family with a nice house, but he suffered from schizophrenia when he was growing up.

One woman told that she met Couch on the dating app Badoo and they dated briefly in 2019.

Crowds gather outside Sydney's Westfield Shopping Center on April 13 after multiple people were stabbed to death. AP

She said they were both from Toowoomba and met when she had just turned 18.

The woman said he was older than he originally stated in his dating profile, but was kind and gentle.

Six people died Saturday, five women and one man, and 12 remained in hospital Sunday morning.

Ms Couch's social media profiles suggest she grew up in the Toowoomba area and lived in Brisbane before spending several months in Sydney.

New South Wales Premier Chris Minns addressed the media at Sydney's Bondi Junction after the deadly attack. AP

According to his Facebook page, he worked as an English tutor at an online educational institution.

After Couch's identity was made public, many of his posts were flooded with angry comments.

On January 5, he wrote on the Australian Backpackers page that he was looking for rideshare arrangements and accommodation in Sydney.

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Hello, he said, I live in Sydney and I'm looking for someone to ride share with me, pay for the fuel, and stay with me in interesting places near Sydney. Please let us know if you are interested.

Two days later, he wrote to the Amateur Astronomy and Astrophotography page asking if he could join us on an upcoming trip.

Hello, I live in Sydney and am looking for someone to learn astrophotography with me in a dark sky location. Can someone please help me?

Bouda also said that before delivering the fatal blow, Couch walked up behind the two victims and did not speak to or look at them.Glaucia Manao, via Reuters

One man said he would plan a trip if the weather was nice.

On February 6, Couch reviewed a day trip to Palm Beach, a beautiful spot on Sydney's northern beaches.

This is a beautiful place. The beach is absolutely stunning, perfect for surfing and snorkeling (sic), and the nearby hike was awesome with incredible views! he said. Perfect for everything I think. Perfect for just a picnic.

He also reviewed Chippendale's Café on February 26th, and then on April 3rd wrote to a group looking for candidates for a language exchange with Swedish speakers.

A note of flowers has been left near the crime scene in Sydney's Bondi Junction on Sunday, April 14, 2024. Associated Press

I am fluent in English, so if you are interested, I can teach you English instead of Swedish.

Last week, Couch wrote to Beginner Surfing and Adventure (Sydney) as one of his final posts before Saturday's stabbing.

Hey, I'm surfing in Bondi this afternoon and if there's anyone you'd like to meet in Bondi for some surfing, please let me know.

New South Wales Police said Couch was known to local state authorities and multiple authorities were investigating his motive.

Anyone with information is asked to contact police.




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