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Donald Trump's secret trial in New York: live updates

Donald Trump's secret trial in New York: live updates


Former President Donald Trump attends the first day of his trial for allegedly concealing cash payments to Stormy Daniels, at Manhattan Criminal Court in New York, April 15, 2024.

Angela Weiss | AFP | Getty Images

Editor's note: This is developing news. Check back for updates.

New York prosecutors on Monday asked a judge to sanction Donald Trump for violating a hush-hush order in several social media posts referencing likely witnesses in his hush-hush criminal trial.

“He is a criminal defendant and, like all criminal defendants, he is subject to the control of the court,” a prosecutor from the Manhattan District Attorney's Office told the New York Supreme Court judge. Juan Mercan.

The request comes as the parties in court work to select 12 jurors and six alternates who will serve in the trial.

The prosecutor, Chris Conroy, pointed to three recent articles referencing Michael Cohen, Trump's former personal lawyer, and Stormy Daniels, the porn star whose receipt of a secret $130,000 payment is at the center of the Trump trial.

Conroy asked the judge to impose a $1,000 penalty for each of the three positions and order Trump to remove them. Prosecutors also want Merchan to warn Trump that another violation could result in prison time, according to NBC News.

Trump was present in the courtroom for the start of the proceedings. It was the first time a former U.S. president faced a criminal trial.

The former president, and current presumptive Republican presidential nominee, is expected to remain in court throughout the approximately six-week trial, including during the initial jury selection process.

“Nothing like this has ever happened before,” Trump told reporters before entering the courtroom.

“It’s political persecution,” he said. “This is an attack on America and that’s why I’m very proud to be here.”

Last week, Trump's lawyers repeatedly tried to delay the Monday start date with last-minute efforts in an appeals court, but those efforts all failed.

In total, defense attorneys tried a dozen times to cancel or delay the trial, but only managed to push it back a few weeks.

Mercan began the proceedings Monday by rejecting Trump's request that the judge drop the case because of an alleged conflict stemming from Merchan's daughter's work for a fundraising and digital advertising company whose clients include the Vice President Kamala Harris.

The silence order imposed on Trump last month was extended on April 1 after the former president repeatedly targeted the judge's daughter on social media.

Trump is charged in Manhattan Supreme Court with nearly three dozen counts of falsifying business records. He will be required to be in the courtroom daily for the trial, which is expected to last about six weeks or more.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg accused Trump of filing business documents concealing the true purpose of the payment Cohen made to Daniels shortly before the 2016 election.

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Cohen, who is expected to testify against Trump, said he paid Daniels in exchange for his silence about an alleged sexual tryst with the then-Republican candidate years earlier. Trump has denied having sex with Daniels.

Michael Cohen, former lawyer for former US President Donald Trump, leaves after attending the Trump Organization's civil fraud trial at New York State Supreme Court in the Manhattan borough of New York on October 24, 2023.

Jeenah Moon | Reuters

It could take a week or more to complete the selection of 12 jurors for the case before testimony begins. Trump said a few days ago that he would be willing to testify.

Trump has used social media to denounce the criminal case and those involved, and he did so again early Monday morning.

“Radical left Democrats are already cheating in the 2024 presidential election by launching, or helping to bring, all these fake lawsuits against me, forcing me to sit in courthouses and spend money that could be used for campaigning, instead of being on the ground bashing crooked Joe Biden, the WORST president in American history,” Trump wrote in his Truth Social article. “Election interference!” »

The trial could significantly damage Trump's ability to campaign in person for the White House. Trump is expected to face President Joe Biden in November in a rematch of their 2020 contest.

Trump is also charged in three other criminal cases.

Two of them, one in federal court in Washington, D.C., the other in Georgia state court, are related to his attempt to overturn his 2020 loss to Biden, which included unsuccessfully pressured election officials and state lawmakers to effectively overturn Biden's victory in several swing states.

The other criminal case, in federal court in Florida, involves charges related to his retention of classified government documents after he left the White House and his alleged efforts to hide those documents from government officials when they sought to return .

Trump has pleaded not guilty in all of his criminal cases.

Although Bragg's lawsuit against Trump has long been considered the least serious of the cases, the New York trial may ultimately prove to be the most important for Trump.

Thanks to continued efforts by Trump's team to either dismiss his indictments or delay his trials, the financial secrecy case could be the only one to go to trial in the middle of the 2024 presidential campaign.




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