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British-Irish immigration dispute deepens as Dublin expects London to honor deal

British-Irish immigration dispute deepens as Dublin expects London to honor deal


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Ireland insisted on Tuesday that it expects London to honor a bilateral agreement allowing asylum seekers to be returned to Britain from 2020, despite Chancellor Rishi Sunak saying he would not bring them back.

The Irish cabinet approved plans to amend the law following a High Court ruling last month that designating Britain as a safe third country to which asylum seekers can be returned is unlawful under EU law.

The government said the changes meant the agreement with London could apply from November 2020. No one has yet been extradited to the UK or Ireland under the deal, which has been put on hold during the COVID-19 pandemic and awaits a court ruling.

As the immigration standoff intensified, Downing Street disputed its legal obligation to accept asylum seekers from Ireland.

A spokesperson said an operational agreement had been reached but ultimately it was the UK government that would decide who we would accept and who we would not accept.

Taoiseach Simon Harris welcomed the UK's approval of the agreement, but added: Additionally, when a country enters into an agreement, it has every right to have that agreement respected.

Justice Secretary Helen McEntee heightened tensions last week when she said more than 80% of Ireland's asylum seekers arrived via Northern Ireland.

Ireland is already locked in a spat with Britain over controversial legislation aimed at dealing with the legacy of the Northern Ireland dispute.

The Republic is struggling to accommodate 1,758 unaccompanied asylum seekers, some of whom have set up a tent city covered in blue tarpaulins in central Dublin near government buildings. Most asylum seekers arriving in Ireland are from Nigeria.

Asylum seekers camp outside the International Protection Office in Dublin Clodagh Kilcoyne/Reuters

McEntee said Tuesday that the updated bill would address the High Court ruling and close any loopholes that currently exist. She added: We need to be able to send people back to the UK.

Her comments come after Sunak, who has pushed for legislation to take some asylum seekers arriving in the UK back to Rwanda, dismissed the prospect of bringing asylum seekers back from Ireland on Monday.

He told ITV News he wasn't interested in it. If the EU won't allow returns to France, where illegal immigrants come from, they won't allow returns to the EU through Ireland. Of course we weren't going to do that.

Ireland says this is not an EU problem, but one contained in the century-old common travel area between Britain, Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. This allows citizens to travel and work in each territory.

Foreign Secretary Michel Martin said asylum seekers arriving across the Irish border were a result of Britain's Rwandan asylum policy passed into law this month. Sunak said he was seizing on such comments to get asylum seekers to change their behaviour.

But a UK minister said: We have not seen any data to support that this is what has been happening for some time.

Nick Henderson, chief executive of the non-governmental organization Irish Refugee Council, told RT Radio that the UK had effectively broken its commitments under refugee law by restricting access to its asylum system.

McEntee, whose meeting with British Home Secretary James Cleverly on Monday was due to be canceled at the last minute, said she would absolutely get over the 80% figure. Her officials were unable to provide data and made estimates based on the experience of staff and others working in the field.




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