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Hill House Home Nap Robes Make Great Mother's Day Gifts

Hill House Home Nap Robes Make Great Mother's Day Gifts


I know I'm not the only one who's been a longtime fan of Hill House Homes' beloved nap robes. But I didn't realize how much I would appreciate having this warm-weather staple in my closet until I found out I was pregnant last spring. As my belly grew and my other clothes quickly outgrew, Hill House Homes The Ellie Nap dress I continued to ride the pregnancy wave with me.

But it didn't stop there. Now that I've welcomed my baby boy into the world and am embracing my postpartum body, I appreciate Hill House Homes nap robes even more. For my first Mother's Day, instead of a personalized mug or keepsake from a boy's mom, I want something I'll use and feel good in, like a new nap dress. Here's why you should consider giving the new mom in your life a Hill House Home nap dress as a Mother's Day gift in 2024.

A Hill House Home nap dress is an easy way to look stylish without sacrificing comfort. As I navigate my fourth trimester and beyond, this ease and comfort is something I appreciate even more, as I don't have a spare second trying to look put together nor any interest in clothes that don't feel good on my body at all times (like leggings). This versatile dress comes in a very full range of sizes (XXXS to XXXXL) and is available in many pretty patterns and solid colors. Additionally, this dress has pockets what more could she want?

I never thought it would be so difficult to find dresses suitable for breastfeeding. But one of the things I love most about this versatile dress as a new mom is that it doesn't look like a typical nursing dress, but I can easily nurse in it. The elastic smocks stretch so I can feed my little one without taking the whole dress off. Whether I'm nursing on the go or sneaking in a quick pumping session, it's no problem in this dress.

Plus, the ruffled shoulders provide extra coverage that many spring dresses lack, unless I want full sleeves (which I don't). But more importantly, the floaty straps and elastic smocked neckline allow me to wear a nursing bra without visible straps.


With its A-line silhouette, the Ellie Nap dress grew with my belly and continues to be forgiving as my body returns to my pre-pregnancy weight. Even if I need a different size than I previously wore for Mother's Day, I don't worry because I know this dress will grow with me and I can continue to wear it as my body changes.

I'm in that awkward phase where my maternity clothes are too big but my pre-pregnancy clothes are too small. Instead of feeling guilty about investing in other types of new clothes that I might not get much use out of, I know I'll be able to wear the Ellie Nap dress all spring and summer because it has such an accommodating fit. It works for all stages of motherhood, from the new postpartum days to finding my rhythm throughout my baby's first year, and I may even wear it during possible future pregnancies.

The length of this dress is also worth mentioning. I never gave much thought to dress length before becoming a mom; I just followed the style I was feeling at any given moment. But this tiered midi skirt is coming in clutch these days. You don't realize how much you bend throughout the day as a mom until you're wearing a dress that's too short.

This dress is machine washable (a must-have these days) and comes in a range of durable materials, from breathable 100% cotton to wrinkle-free crepe and everything in between.

As a new mom, it's hard to be confident in what you're wearing when the fabric shows breast milk and sweat, but I didn't have to worry about any of that with cotton nap dresses. cotton and cotton sateen that I own. These materials hide milk stains well, and even though breastfeeding makes me feel overheated and dripping with sweat, I don't have to worry while wearing this dress. Plus, the range of colors, patterns, and materials means there's so much versatility that I can wear one of these dresses virtually anywhere.

The most important thing about the Ellie Nap dress from Hill House Homes is how much confidence it makes me feel, even when I have so little energy. It's so easy to nurse, it fits incredibly well and the material holds up to mommy's role.

For a new mom, anything that can boost her confidence and make her feel like herself again is priceless in my book, which makes this dress a great birthday gift idea. mothers.




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