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Introducing the open mixed reality ecosystem

Introducing the open mixed reality ecosystem


Today, we're taking a big step toward our vision of a more open computing platform for the Metaverse. We opened up the operating system that powers our Meta Quest devices to third-party hardware manufacturers, giving developers a larger ecosystem on which to build, and ultimately bringing more choice to consumers. . The platform is the result of his 10 years of investment in the underlying technology that enables mixed reality, and opening it up means more people can benefit from that investment. We've partnered with global technology companies to build a new ecosystem of mixed reality devices, making it even easier for developers to build mixed reality apps.

We believe a more open ecosystem is the best way to bring the power of mixed reality to as many people as possible. This new ecosystem with more devices will offer more choice to consumers and businesses around the world. Developers will greatly expand the types of hardware they can run their apps on, and more device manufacturers will expand their market to a wider audience, similar to what we've seen with PCs and smartphones.

Introducing Meta Horizon OS

This new hardware ecosystem runs on Meta Horizon OS, the mixed reality operating system that powers the Meta Quest headset. Meta Horizon OS combines the core technologies that power today's mixed reality experiences with a set of features that put social presence at the center of the platform.

Meta Horizon OS is the result of Meta's 10-year effort to build the next generation computing platform. As a pioneer in standalone headsets, we have developed technologies such as inside-out tracking and self-tracking controllers. To enable more natural interaction systems and social presence, we pioneered hand, eye, face, and body tracking. And for mixed reality, we've built a full stack of technologies to blend the digital and physical worlds, including high-resolution passthrough, scene understanding, and spatial anchors. This long-term investment, which began on the foundation of Mobile His First in the Android open source project, has produced a complete mixed reality operating system used by millions of people.

Developers and creators can leverage all of these technologies to create mixed reality experiences. And you can reach your audience and grow your business through content discovery and monetization platforms built into Meta Horizon OS, including Meta Quest Store (renamed Meta Horizon Store) .

The social layer of Meta Horizon OS means that people's identities, avatars, social graphs, and groups of friends can move through virtual space, and developers can integrate these social features into their apps. And this social layer is built to bridge multiple platforms, allowing people to spend time together in virtual spaces that exist across mixed reality, mobile, and desktop devices. Meta Horizon OS devices will use the same mobile companion app that Meta Quest owners currently use (renamed to Meta Horizon app).

new generation hardware

The world's leading technology companies are already working to enable this new ecosystem with new devices built on Meta Horizon OS.

ASUS Republic of Gamers leverages its expertise as a leader in gaming solutions to develop an all-new performance gaming headset. Lenovo will leverage its experience co-designing Oculus Rift S and deep expertise in engineering major devices such as the ThinkPad laptop series to develop mixed reality devices for productivity, learning, and entertainment. Xbox and Meta partnered last year to bring Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) to Meta Quest, allowing people to play Xbox games on a large 2D virtual screen in mixed reality. Now, we're working together again to create a limited edition Meta-His Quest, inspired by Xbox.

All of these devices will benefit from Metas' long-term partnership with Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., which builds Snapdragon processors that are tightly integrated with the company's software and hardware stacks.

A more open app ecosystem

As we begin to roll out Meta Horizon OS to more device manufacturers, we've also expanded the ways app developers can reach users. We have begun the process of removing the barrier between Meta Horizon Store and App Lab. This allows developers who meet the basic technical and content requirements to release software on the platform. App Lab titles will soon be featured in a dedicated section of the store on all devices, making them easier to discover for even more users.

We were also developing a new spatial app framework that enables mobile developers to create mixed reality experiences. Developers can bring mobile apps to Meta Horizon OS or create entirely new mixed reality apps using familiar tools.

Consumers and developers alike will benefit from an ecosystem where multiple hardware manufacturers build on a common platform. We look forward to continuing this journey to bring mixed reality to more people.




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