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Victoria Beckham's transparent mint green birthday dress is a dream

Victoria Beckham's transparent mint green birthday dress is a dream


When it comes to birthday celebrations, Victoria Beckham's recent 50th birthday party was the cream of the crop. Just as star-studded, elegant and opulent as you can imagine, the evening was filled with standout looks, especially from the birthday girl herself.

Victoria Beckham poses in a mint green sheer dress on a staircase© Instagram / @victoriabeckham
50 suits you very well VB

Of course, the designer, mother, former Spice Girl and fashion mogul wore something from her own namesake brand. For this occasion, she opted for a custom sheer mint green with trendy floral accents, the same design we saw on her daughter-in-law Nicola Peltz in a backstage snap at Paris Fashion Week. She paired her figure-enhancing ensemble with a pair of high-waisted black underwear designed to be seen, tapping into the latest “no pants” fashion craze, a stack of diamond bracelets on her wrist and the most iconic accessory of all, his now famous black crutches.

For glamour, VB kept things simple and elegant, letting her long brunette mane cascade over her jaw-dropping ensemble. We can't know for sure, but we have it on good authority that her makeup for the night was courtesy of Victoria Beckham Beauty, likely consisting of her beloved Satin Kajal Liner and a nude shade of Posh Lipstick .

The Spice Girls pose together at Victoria's 50th birthday celebration© Instagram / @victoriabeckham
The girl gang got together for one night

The guest list was nothing short of VIP, with former girl band members Mel B, Mel C, Emma Bunton and Geri Halliwell all in attendance, as well as longtime best friends Eva Longoria and Tom Cruise.

Victoria Beckham and Harper Beckham pose together at Victoire's 50th birthday celebration© Instagram / @victoriabeckham
Mother-daughter goals

As for the Beckham family, Victoria and David's children, Harper, Cruz, Brooklyn and Romeo, all came to celebrate their iconic mother. Harper followed in her mother's stylish footsteps by donning an ivory white satin slip dress from the new Victoria Beckham collection.

Victoria's dream birthday look comes as no surprise to fans as she has proven time and time again on the world stage that she is the definition of chic, often sporting white suits, t-shirts and graphic pants, slip dresses and sky-high stiletto heels. .

It's clear that at 50, Victoria has never looked more beautiful.




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