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Trump silent trial: Prosecutors focus on details as testimony resumes

Trump silent trial: Prosecutors focus on details as testimony resumes


NEW YORK (AP) The first week of testimony in Donald Trump's secret trial was the scene for jurors: Manhattan prosecutors described what they say was an illegal scheme to influence the 2016 presidential campaign by burying negative stories. Prosecutors are now scrambling to provide details about how they believe Trump and his allies succeeded.

The trial resumes Tuesday with Gary Farro, a banker who helped former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen open accounts, including one that Cohen used to buy the silence of porn artist Stormy Daniels. She alleged a sexual relationship with Trump in 2006, which he denies.

What you need to know about Trump's secret trial:

For his part, the former president and presumptive Republican nominee campaigns outside of his work hours, but he is required to be present in court when the court is in session, four days a week.

So far, jurors have heard from two other witnesses. Trump's former longtime executive assistant, Rhona Graff, recounted that she remembered seeing Daniels once in Trump's office in Trump Tower and thought the artist was a potential candidate for one of the Trumps Apprentice brand shows. Former National Enquirer publisher David Pecker explained how he agreed to serve as the eyes and ears for the Trump campaign by helping quell unflattering rumors and claims about Trump and women.

Through detailed testimony about email exchanges, business transactions and bank accounts, prosecutors build the basis of their argument that Trump is guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records in connection with payments secret money. The prosecution leads into crucial testimony from Cohen himself, who was incarcerated in federal prison after pleading guilty to campaign finance violations and other crimes. Trump has denied any wrongdoing and has pleaded not guilty.

Former President Donald Trump greets the media as he returns from a break during his trial in Manhattan Criminal Court, Friday, April 26, 2024, in New York. (Dave Sanders/The New York Times via AP, Pool)

It is unclear when Cohen will speak; the trial is expected to last another month or more. And with every moment that Trump is in court as the first of his four criminal trials unfolds, he grows more frustrated as the November election draws closer.

Our country is going to hell and we're sitting here day after day, which is their plan, because they think they might be able to win an election, Trump said last week in the courthouse hallway.

Also this week, Judge Juan M. Merchan could rule on prosecutors' request to fine Trump for what they say are violations of a hush order that bars him from making public statements about witnesses, jurors and certain other persons connected with the case. The judge also scheduled a hearing for Thursday on another set of alleged violations of the hush order.

Prosecutors used Pecker, Trump's longtime friend, to detail a catch-and-kill deal in which he collected sordid stories about the candidate so the National Enquirer or Trump associates could buy and bury the allegations. Pecker described how he paid $180,000 to collect and sit on the stories of a doorman and former Playboy model, Karen McDougal. He was not involved in paying Daniels, he said. He testified for four days.

Trump says all these stories were false. His lawyers used cross-examination to suggest that Trump was actually engaged in an effort to protect his and his family's name so as not to influence the outcome of the presidential election.

Farro took the stand for the first time Friday. While chief executive of First Republic Bank, he was assigned to work with Trump's lawyer for about three years, in part because of his ability to handle individuals who can be a bit difficult, said Farro, adding that he didn't find Cohen difficult.

Gary Farro, a private client advisor who previously worked at First Republic Bank, testifies on the witness stand in Manhattan Criminal Court on Friday, April 26, 2024, in New York. (Elizabeth Williams via AP)

Former President Donald Trump gestures as he leaves the courtroom during a break in his trial in Manhattan Criminal Court, Friday, April 26, 2024, in New York. (Dave Sanders/The New York Times via AP, Pool)

Farro detailed for jurors the process of helping Cohen create accounts for two limited liability companies, that is, a business account that protects the person behind the account from liability, debt and other problems. Farro testified that Cohen indicated the companies, Resolution Consultants LLC and Essential Consultants LLC, would be involved in real estate consulting.

Prosecutors showed jurors emails in which Cohen described opening the Resolution Consultants account as a significant matter.

Cohen admitted when he pleaded guilty to federal charges in 2018 that he was set up to send money to American Media, Inc., the Enquirer publisher. This was a reward for their purchase of McDougal's story. But the agreement never came to fruition.

Farro said that since the account was never funded, it was never technically opened. Instead, Cohen turned to starting the Essential Consultants account, which he then used to pay Daniels $130,000.

When asked if Cohen seemed eager to open the bank accounts, Farro testified: Every time Michael Cohen spoke to me, he gave a sense of urgency.

Farro told the 12-person panel that bank policy prohibits doing business with entities related to adult entertainment, including pornography and strip clubs. Trump's lawyers have not yet had a chance to cross-examine Farro.

___ Long reported in Washington.




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