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Who wants ads in their Windows 11 Start menu? Here's how to turn them off

Who wants ads in their Windows 11 Start menu? Here's how to turn them off


Ads appearing in the Microsoft Windows Start menu are nothing new, and it's no wonder they're making their way to Windows 11. Microsoft has been testing ads in a beta release and this week began rolling out an update that places ads in the Windows 11 Start menu. For regular users.

According to Microsoft, the Start menu ads will consist of Microsoft Store apps from a “selected small number of developers.”This ad previously only showed users recent documents and images[スタート]on the menu[おすすめ]section. Clicking on the ad will redirect you to the Microsoft Store where you can download the app.

Microsoft isn't just adding ads to the Start menu. The update's changelog states that frequently used apps that are already installed on a user's machine will also appear in the recommended section along with ads. It will only appear there if the app isn't already pinned to the taskbar or Start menu.

Updates are optional at this time. To find this,[Windows Update]>[詳細オプション]>[オプションの更新]You can install update KB5036980 by going to

This update includes some additional fixes and improvements in addition to Start menu ads. Specifically, this update fixes an issue that causes widget icons on the taskbar to become pixelated or blurry. Lock screen widgets have also been improved, and Microsoft says they will be even more reliable in the future. Minor bug fixes include fixes for Japanese 106 keyboard layout issues and a freezing issue in the Settings app. Complete documentation is available on Microsoft's support website.

So far, it's been a while since I installed the update and I'm still not seeing any ads. However, some users and publications are able to display ads. Microsoft probably hasn't enabled ads for the majority of users yet, so they'll likely wait to enable ads until the update is rolled out to more machines.

There are also ads in the Windows 11 search user interface.

Screenshot by Joe Hindy/CNET Windows ads are nothing new

The Start menu is just the latest casualty of Microsoft's plan to add advertising to as many parts of Windows as possible. However, advertising has already been built into operating systems for a long time. Microsoft's search UI recommends web articles, apps, games, and other promotional materials. In most cases, users turn off or ignore these ads.

In Windows 10,[スタート]This is something Microsoft has been doing for a while, as ads were displayed directly in the menu. This was done in exactly the same way that promoted apps were displayed as tiles, which had to be manually removed so that the space could be used for other things if desired. To be honest, I'm surprised it took this long for Microsoft to start adding ads to Windows 11's Start menu.

The Windows 11 update that comes with Start menu ads is KB5036980.

Screenshot by Joe Hindy/CNET[スタート]When will I get updates that include menu ads?

This update is currently available as an optional update on Windows Update. However, Microsoft has listed his KB5036980 update as his April release, so it should start rolling out to all users within the next two weeks. My machine automatically installed the update on Wednesday, so it's not an option for everyone.

You can check if it's installed by opening Windows Update and checking your update history. If you see KB5036980, the update is installed. If you want to install it yourself,[Windows Update]>[詳細オプション]>[オプションの更新プログラム]Go to and check if it exists.

Regardless of whether it's Wednesday or Thursday, the update will eventually arrive as it's an official update for Windows 11. There is no way around this and you will eventually have to update it if you want to keep your system up to date.

Microsoft's Start menu ads feature recommended apps.

Microsoft What do new ads look like?

[スタート]on the menu[推奨]The section will appear exactly as it currently does. However, you may see app recommendations. It's easy to ignore, especially if you already don't use the recommendations section much.

There seem to be two types of designs. Microsoft's promotional materials show the above design, displaying the app's icon and tagline. In this example, the advertised app is 1Password, which has the tagline “Securely store your passwords.” Clicking this will take you to the Microsoft Store, which will immediately take you to his 1Password store page where you can download it. If you ignore the ads, they will just be there without any harm.

Another design was discovered by Windows Latest. The screenshot is similar to the one above, except there is a small box next to the tagline that says “Sponsored” and other details.

other[スタート]Menu recommendations allow users to close recommendations by right-clicking them. This may also apply to advertising, but it won't be tested until it's publicly available.

To turn off ads in the start menu, go to the Windows 11 Settings app.[スタート]It's in the section.

Screenshot by Joe Hindy/CNET[スタート]How can I turn off ads in the menu?

Microsoft includes a way to remove ads from Windows 11. This is the easiest way to turn off Start Menu ads.

[スタート]Open the menu. Right click on the blank space and[設定の開始]Click.[ヒント、ショートカット、新しいアプリなどの推奨事項を表示]Scroll down until you find . Toggle that setting off.

You can also access the settings by opening Windows Settings and going to Personalization > Start. Alternatively, you can find it by pressing the Windows key on your keyboard and typing Start Settings.

Turning off Advertising ID settings prevents Microsoft from sharing details about you with third parties.

Screenshot by Joe Hindy/CNET

During Windows setup, you'll be asked if you want Microsoft to share your “Advertising ID” with third parties so that the ads you see can be better targeted. Many people are uncomfortable with the idea of ​​sharing personal information with anonymous third parties, and many turn off that setting. Here's how:

Open Windows Settings.[プライバシーとセキュリティ]>[一般]Go to.[広告 ID を使用してアプリにパーソナライズされた広告を表示させます]Find and toggle it off.

You can also quickly access this setting by opening Windows Search and typing “advertising ID” to find it. Checking this requires Microsoft to not share anything with third-party advertisers. This means any ads you see will no longer be personalized directly to you.




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