Sky Sports+ launches in August, giving fans even more choice through live streams, apps and new channels | Soccer News

Sky Sports+ gives sports fans even more choice through live streams and new dedicated channels at no extra cost.
Launching in August this year, Sky Sports+ will be a game-changer in the range of sports fans can access through live streams on Sky TV, streaming service NOW and the improved Sky Sports app on mobile.
With more coverage than ever from both the EFL, Tennis Tour and Men's Super League, Sky Sports customers will be able to enjoy over 50% more live sport this year.
Sky Sports+ makes it easy for fans to browse, discover and watch the sport they love, with a dedicated Sky Sports+ linear channel showcasing a selection of the best live sport.
Highlights include:
The EFL has four times as many matches, with all 72 teams playing more than 20 times per season. All Men's Super League matches will be broadcast. ATP Tour, WTA Tour, and US Open tennis are also covered. PGA Tour Golf and more. Get exclusive access to Sky's. Great sports documentary. Sky Sports+ offers the ability to view up to 100 events simultaneously. Customers can enjoy 50% more live sports this year. All of this is provided at no additional charge.Image: Watch his EFL team more than 20 times a season on Sky Sports+ from August
The scale of Sky Sports+ will be evident from the opening weekend of the 2024/25 EFL season, when, for the first time in its broadcasting history, every game from all three divisions – Championship, League One and League Two – will be live-streamed.
Sky Sports+ is being introduced at the start of a new long-term and ground-breaking partnership with the EFL, which will feature over 1,000 games per season, with every team appearing at least 20 times and every Championship club appearing at least 24 times. Masu.
Jonathan Licht, Managing Director of Sky Sports, said: “Excellent sport, presented in innovative and compelling ways, has been a big part of our company's history. With the introduction of Sky Sports+, We can now offer sports fans even more choice and choice.” Watch live action for an even better experience at no additional cost.
“For the first time, we will be broadcasting every match live from across the EFL over the opening weekend. This will be a big moment for football fans across the country and a fitting way to kick off our ground-breaking new game.” partnership.
“This is just the beginning – Sky Sports+ unlocks the potential for us to continue to evolve and find new ways to bring great sport to our customers.”
Image: Watch over 100 tennis tournaments, including the ATP Tour, WTA Tour, and US Open.
Subscribers can expect more than just better options. On Sky Sports+, you'll get exclusive access to Sky's great sports documentaries, including the long-awaited Darts documentary, two weeks before anyone else.
New features and enhancements make the viewing experience more immersive for fans, giving them more options on how to watch their favorite sports. Live pause and rewind will now be available on all simultaneous streams, with the 'recap' feature currently available for Premier League and Championship matches, as well as his EFL matches shown on the Sky Sports+ linear channel It will also be available.
Image: Watch every Men's Super League match on Sky Sports+ from August
Once rolled out, customers with a full Sky Sports subscription won't need to do anything. Sky Sports+ will simply be integrated into the existing Sky experience across Sky Glass, Sky Stream, Sky Q and NOW.
The improved Sky Sports app is now the ultimate home for sports streaming on your mobile device, with access to Sky Sports+ streams from the in-app event center.
New personalization features will make it easier for fans to follow their favorite teams and matches. An improved multi-sport scores section provides match schedules, live scores and a broader view beyond the usual 7-day football calendar. We have redesigned the design and navigation, including the much-requested dark mode, to improve usability.
Image: Watch live sport with the all-new Sky Sports app, boasting a new look and navigation
Download the Sky Sports app now:
For instant contract-free access to all Sky Sports channels, non-Sky subscribers can purchase a NOW Sports Day or Month Membership.
From August, it will also include all live streams and on-demand catch-up content from Sky Sports+. As part of the launch of Sky Sports+, NOW members will be able to pause and rewind live sports content for the first time.
Image: Non-Sky subscribers can purchase a NOW Sports Day or Month Membership and get immediate contract-free access
Sky Sports' full package includes an unrivaled sports line-up and delivered record viewership numbers in 2023. Soccer fans can watch more domestic leagues on Sky Sports than any other broadcaster, including the Premier League, EFL, SPFL and WSL.
Sports fans can continue to enjoy award-winning coverage of F1 and cricket through long-term deals. Tennis will return in 2024, with a ground-breaking Super League deal in place that will see all matches broadcast live.
This means that in addition to all golf majors, NFL, netball, darts, boxing and summer rugby union internationals, Sky Sports offers something for every sports fan.
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