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Beauty Innovations to be Presented at Viva Technology Paris 2024 – Worldwide

Beauty Innovations to be Presented at Viva Technology Paris 2024 – Worldwide


French beauty giant Loral attracted significant attention at the Viva Technology Paris 2024 event, unveiling cutting-edge innovations that accelerate the company's beauty tech leadership.

The company unveiled a series of innovations that underpin its commitment to providing beauty solutions that are “more personalized, inclusive and responsible.”

In a speech at the event on Tuesday, Barbara Lavernoise, deputy CEO of the French company, stressed the importance of embracing beauty tech to stay ahead in the beauty industry.

“Today, to be a leader in the beauty industry, you have to be a leader in beauty technology,” said Lavernos, who is in charge of research, innovation and technology at Loral.

“As long-time pioneers in beauty technology, we firmly believe that technology can push the boundaries of what's possible in beauty and improve the lives of people around the world,” said Lavernos.

A variety of innovations were unveiled, ranging from skin and hair diagnostics to a GenAI-powered personal beauty assistant, a GenAI beauty content lab called CREAITECH to enhance creativity, a pioneering hair dryer using infrared technology, a micro-resurfacing device for enhanced skincare benefits, and a human skin-like technology platform for scientific research and product testing.

“Our CREAITECH GenAI Beauty Content Lab is a testament to what human hands and GenAI tools can achieve in creativity,” said Asmita Dubey, chief digital and marketing officer, Loral.

He explained that the group's new brand customization model will enable them to train GenAI to recognise their brands' unique visual codes, allowing them to launch innovative beauty campaigns faster.

“Importantly, they can do so without compromising principles of responsible AI, such as not using lifelike AI-generated images of faces, bodies, hair or skin to support or enhance product benefits in external communications.”

Loral also announced partnerships with Meta and leading content creators. “Meanwhile, in collaboration with Meta, we are announcing the New Codes of Beauty Creator Program to empower the next generation of 3D, AR and AI creators and pioneer new creative frontiers in beauty,” Dubey said.

Guieve Barouche, global managing director of augmented beauty and open innovation at Loral, said the company's Airlite Pro hair dryer, unveiled earlier this year, is “the first professional hair dryer that dries hair with infrared light instead of high heat. It replicates the sun and wind for a more efficient, natural drying process.”

Barouch also unveiled the Lancôme L'Energie Nano Resurfacer 400 Booster, a beauty device developed to enhance the penetration of cosmetics into the stratum corneum, the outer layer of skin, and increase the effectiveness of the products.

“The device uses more than 400 ultra-precise silicone tips to produce clinical-level results without causing pain and is for home use only,” Baruch said.

Loral claims that its test skin technology more closely mimics the many properties of real human skin, including conditions like eczema and acne, and the ability to heal sunburn and injuries. The company is currently partnering with start-ups and renowned research institutes around the world to further develop the technology to simulate sensory responses.

Local Oral has maintained a strict no-animal testing policy since 1989 and emphasizes its commitment to ethical practices.

On the same day, CTIBiotech, the winner of the Loral Big Bang Beauty Tech Innovation Program France Channel in China, and Oriental Beauty Valley, a leading beauty and health industry cluster in Shanghai and Big Bang's official partner in China, announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding at Viva Technology.

The partnership will facilitate CTIBiotech's entry into the Chinese market. Oriental Beauty Valley will deploy its cosmetic element services and research and development platform, Metron Technology, to strengthen the distribution of CTIBiotech's advanced tissue and cell model solutions in the Chinese market.

“We are very pleased that this partnership is starting at the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France,” said Vincent Boinet, president of Loral North Asia and CEO of Loral China.

“Chinese consumers are the most active users of beauty tech and the device market is booming. They use skincare devices, haircare devices and digital services offline and online and are very savvy. We are not only inspired by the Chinese market but also develop products in beauty tech specifically for the Chinese market,” said Baruch.




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