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Stellantis teams up with Francis CEA to pursue next-generation battery cell technology


Stellantis Amsterdam and CEA, one of the world's most innovative research institutes, today announced a new five-year collaboration aimed at in-house design of next-generation battery cells for electric vehicles. The joint research program involves designing advanced technology cells that deliver higher performance, longer life and lower carbon emissions at a competitive cost, leading to more affordable and sustainable battery electric vehicles in the future.

We know battery technology is poised to change. While we don't know exactly how it will change, we are committed to being at the forefront of this transformation. Internally, we are working around the clock to explore different technologies while making multiple bets. At the same time, we are collaborating closely with tech startups, research labs, universities and some of the world's most prestigious research institutes, like the CEA. “We believe this collaboration will accelerate the arrival of disruptive battery cell technologies and support our mission to bring clean, safe and affordable mobility to our customers,” said Ned Curic, Stellantis' Chief Engineering and Technology Officer.

CEA delivers leading innovations for decarbonization throughout the energy sector. As a Research and Technology Organization (RTO), CEA's primary goal is to support the industry through innovation and technological advancements, providing market differentiation and competitive advantage to our partners.

CEA is proud to support Stellantis in an ambitious multi-year research and development program on battery cells, carried out within the framework of the CEA/Stellantis Global Partnership. This exciting project will make the most of CEA's more than 25 years of expertise in the field of lithium-ion batteries to benefit one of the leading automakers in the race to electric vehicles. “Our challenge is to share our expertise, skills and vision to speed up design and manufacturing and to gain a deeper understanding of cutting-edge cell technologies,” says Philip Stoll, Head of CEA's Energy Division.

The goal of the Joint Battery Cell Program is to provide Stellantis and its joint venture Gigafactory with next-generation, more affordable EV batteries featuring best-in-class technology.

The Battery Cell Design program strengthens a dynamic 20-year collaboration with CEA. Other areas of collaboration include disruptive chemistry and CO2 footprint research, battery modeling, fuel cell development, life cycle assessment and connectivity.

This collaboration is the latest example of Stellantis' ongoing efforts to achieve the goals of its “Dare Forward 2030” strategic plan. By 2038, Stellantis plans to offset remaining emissions by a single-digit percentage across its entire range, becoming a carbon net-zero company.

About CEA

CEA is a leading research institute that puts the interests of the French state, the economy and its people first. Deeply rooted in fundamental research, it is able to offer concrete solutions to meet the needs of its citizens in four key areas: low-carbon energy, digital technologies, future medical technologies, defense and national security. As a world-leading innovator among public research institutes (Clarivate 2024), CEA acts as a catalyst and accelerator of innovation for French industry. It helps companies in all sectors to increase their competitiveness, create high-performance products that set them apart and develop pioneering solutions that lead to social transformation. CEA spreads this dynamic across France, helping local partners to innovate themselves, thus creating sustainable value and jobs on a national scale, aligned to real industrial needs. At the same time, it supports the development of 250 start-ups, an agile vehicle for the transfer of disruptive technologies and knowledge developed in CEA's laboratories to industry.

About Stellantis

Stellantis NV (NYSE: STLA / Euronext Milan: STLAM / Euronext Paris: STLAP) is a leading global automotive manufacturer committed to providing clean, safe and affordable mobility for all. It is best known for its unique portfolio of iconic and innovative brands, including Abarth, Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, Citron, Dodge, DS Automobiles, Fiat, Jeep, Lancia, Maserati, Opel, Peugeot, Ram, Vauxhall, Free2move and Regies. Stellantis is executing Dare Forward 2030, a bold strategic plan to achieve the ambitious goal of becoming a carbon net-zero mobility technology company by 2038, offsetting remaining emissions by a single-digit percentage while creating added value for all stakeholders. For more information, please visit




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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