9 Best Apple Gadgets for Prime Day (2024)
Apple isn't known for hosting sales, so it's important to take advantage of discounts offered by third-party retailers. In this case, that's Amazon. This year's Prime Day Apple sales include some of our top-rated devices, including MacBooks, AirPods, and iPads. We've also added some of our favorite accessories that are on sale. In addition to the Apple sales, we've covered Prime Day from end to end with our Absolute Best Amazon Prime Day Deals list, as well as several smaller articles featuring sales on our favorite Amazon devices and laptops.
We've tested products throughout the year to handpick these best deals, and we'll update this guide regularly throughout the sale period.
WIRED Special Sale
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MacBook Sale
The latest M3-equipped MacBook Air (7/10, WIRED Recommended) isn't all that different from the M2-equipped version. It has the same 13.6-inch LCD screen (with a 60Hz refresh rate and 500 nits of maximum brightness), a 1080p webcam in a notch at the top of the display, and a variety of ports (two USB 4/Thunderbolt ports, a 3.5mm headphone jack, and a MagSafe port for charging). The M3 chip, which debuted late last year, isn't a huge step up from the previous processor, but it does offer a significant performance boost over the original M1. It also lets you use two external displays simultaneously with the lid closed (an upgrade from the single external display on the older chip). It's a great choice, especially if you're looking for a reliable, lightweight laptop for everyday tasks. The coupon saves you an additional $50, bringing the price down to $849, making it the cheapest price ever for this model.
You can get these Pro models at even bigger discounts on Amazon by clipping the coupon on the page. While the M4-powered MacBook is coming soon, the MacBook Pro with M3 Pro and M3 Max are still great choices, having been on the market for less than a year. Both sizes have bright Mini LED screens, 120Hz refresh rates, and 1080p webcams. Most importantly, they also have plenty of ports, including three USB-C ports with Thunderbolt 4 support, HDMI, SD card slot, high-impedance headphone jack, and MagSafe charging port. With so many different configurations available, it can be hard to know which one to choose. For mid-level content creators who want a laptop that's easy to carry for travel, we recommend the 14-inch MacBook Pro with M3 Pro. The 16-inch MacBook Pro with M3 Max (9/10, WIRED Recommended) is a great option if you want a large display and great battery life.
iPad Sale
The M2-equipped iPad Air (8/10, WIRED Recommended) was launched in May and is already on sale. You can choose between an 11-inch display and a new, larger 13-inch display. I use the latter as a secondary display while working and to watch TV before bed. It's also a bit brighter, with a resolution of 2,732 x 2,048 pixels and the ability to reach a peak brightness of 600 nits in standard dynamic range. Like its predecessor, it has slim bezels, a USB-C port, and Touch ID built into the power button on top. Thankfully, Apple has moved the front 12 MP camera to landscape orientation. The M2 chip offers smooth performance even when running a number of apps at the same time. Despite the larger size, the battery life remains the same, lasting about six hours on a busy day.
The iPad (10th Generation) (7/10, WIRED Review) is a great tablet for most people. It has a number of notable upgrades over its predecessor, including a 10.9-inch Liquid Retina (IPS LCD) display, slimmer bezels, Touch ID integrated into the power button, a 12MP rear camera (up from 8MP), and a USB-C port instead of Lightning. More importantly, the 12MP front camera has been moved to the center of the iPad, so you no longer have to awkwardly stare to the side during video calls. There's also an A14 Bionic chip inside (found in the iPhone 12), which delivers slightly faster performance and improved graphics over the 9th-generation iPad.
AirPods deals
These are the latest AirPods Pro (8/10, WIRED Recommended) and also the most feature-packed. They have new speech recognition that suppresses music and background noise when it detects a conversation. Like the second-generation AirPods Pro with Lightning, they also have Adaptive Transparency mode (which combines noise cancellation and transparency to tailor the audio). Sound quality is also above average, with strong bass, crisp treble, and good noise cancellation. The U1 chip also means you can use the Precision Search feature in the Find My app (if you have an iPhone 11 or later). This feature will show you directions to the exact location of your case on your iPhone screen.
Apple's AirPods Max (8/10, WIRED Recommended) deliver great sound with a vast soundstage, rich bass, and excellent noise cancellation. It's also the cheapest price of these headphones we've tracked so far. They're also well-built, with a bouncy mesh headband and soft cloth ear cups (which are also replaceable). What we particularly like is the volume knob, like the one you'd find on an Apple Watch. These headphones also integrate very well with iOS devices, letting you switch between devices (like your iPhone or MacBook) without having to manually navigate through Bluetooth settings. It's worth noting, however, that rumors suggest a new version of the AirPods Max is likely coming later this year. However, it seems the only big change is the addition of a USB-C port instead of Lightning. So if that's very important to you, we recommend waiting to buy one.
Apple Watch Deals
The Series 9 (7/10, WIRED Review) is currently our favorite Apple Watch in our best Apple Watches guide. It looks the same as the Series 8, but it has some upgrades, including faster performance, a brighter display, and better battery life. It also has a double-tap feature, allowing you to trigger functions like playing music or ending a call with a simple tap of your index finger and thumb. It also supports WatchOS 11 (coming later this year), giving you access to new features like tracking your health metrics at a glance with the Vitals app and measuring performance improvements with a new training load algorithm. However, it is important to note that due to a patent dispute, Apple has disabled the blood oxygen sensor on models sold directly through its own store. However, this is not the case if you buy the smartwatch through a third-party retailer such as Amazon.
The Ultra 2 (8/10, WIRED Recommended) is a great choice for outdoor sports. It has a high-precision dual-frequency GPS, as well as offline maps (which you need to download to your iPhone and be within Bluetooth range of the watch) and the ability to view your cycling sessions as live activity on your iPhone. It has the same action button introduced in the first generation, which you can use to launch Backtrack, Apple's navigation feature that lets you create a virtual breadcrumb trail in the compass app and follow it back home. It also has the S9 chip for performance, and the ultra-wideband chip powers the high-precision search feature (which pinpoints and guides you to your iPhone's location). Double tap is also available. This is the cheapest price for the Ultra 2 so far.
If you don't need advanced features like checking your blood oxygen levels or skin temperature, the Apple Watch SE is your best choice. For most people, it's also our pick. You still get all the basic fitness tracking features, and it's compatible with watchOS 11, so you get features like the Training Load algorithm and the Vitals app. And thanks to the S8 chip, it also comes with extras like a redesigned Compass app, support for international roaming, and Crash Detection (which will call your emergency contacts and paramedics if you're in a car accident). That's the cheapest price we've tracked.
More great deals on Apple gadgets and accessories
Here are some other notable WIRED-approved deals on Apple gadgets and accessories:
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