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iPadOS 15 confirms that the iPad Pro with Apple’s M1 is the V8 engine on the Ford Pinto


The hardware of the new iPad Pro is far superior to any competition in tablet space. However, Apple’s new iPadOS 15 is clearly not professional, so it’s doubtful whether Apple will completely remove training wheels from restricted software.

After the new iPad Pro model was launched in May and equipped with the same very fast M1 CPU as Apple’s latest Mac system, many have announced that device makers will announce the overhauled iPadOS at the Worldwide Developers Conference. Predicted and expected.

Features already widely available on both Intel and M1 Macs, such as a more robust multitasking system, proper support for external monitors, and excellent compatibility with external peripherals, are a simple achievement that the company could have worked on. There are still many.

We didn’t get any of them.

Instead, heading features include:

New button to bring up the same old multitasking system — improved, but no overhaul required Widget that can be placed anywhere on the home screen — what was launched on the iPhone a year ago Ability to quickly write notes within the app — what Previously, it was possible by tapping the lock screen on the Apple Pencil.

None of the above improvements are bad in their own right, but they aren’t enough for a device running the same processor as a modern Mac. We’ve evolved Mac hardware to a height never seen before.

The sophisticated iPad Pro design has a lot of very powerful hardware and is very likely to be undeveloped, so users and developers can overhaul the iPad OS, which truly unleashes the potential of high-performance users. I strongly demand it.

Soup, however, is only driving in the school zone

Consider that the new iPad Pro comes with the option of 8GB or 16GB of RAM for the first time. When the M1 iPad Pro went on sale, the developers noticed that iPadOS 14 limited apps to 5 gigabytes of RAM. This shows that developers have the tools they need to take professional iPad apps to the next level.

It has a USB-4 / Thunderbolt 3 port, but the new iPad Pro doesn’t fully support external monitors. Throughout the home screen and native operating system, the iPad reflects exactly what it sees on the iPad. Do you have a widescreen 16: 9 display? Unfortunately, you get a 4: 3 ratio that matches what your iPad already shows.

Again, there is no technical reason for this limitation based on the hardware of the new iPad Pro, even the previous generation models. All M1 Macs can drive an external display at native resolution. This drawback is simply an iPadOS limitation and will not be addressed in future version 15 upgrades.

Its USB-4 port is also a stumbling block for input. Podcasters doing shows with remote hosts know if they want to use an external microphone. At least one app for live communication with others in the program and the highest quality local audio possible. I need another app to record with .. This is not possible on iPadOS, including the next version 15, as only one app can use the input audio from an external microphone at a time.

How about a pro app? Developers are urging Apple to move Xcode, Apple’s integrated software development environment, which is currently limited to macOS, to the iPad. After all, now that the iPad now supports keyboard and mouse / trackpad input, there’s no real reason not to have Xcode for the iPad Pro.

But instead of Xcode, Apple essentially slammed developers and introduced an improved version of Swift Playgrounds, an educational tool designed to help kids learn how to code, for iPad users. I’ve created an app for submission to the App Store. The professional app Swift Playgrounds isn’t.

Finally, multitasking on the iPad Pro (that is, displaying two or more apps on the screen at the same time) has been a confusing mess for years, charitably. Obviously, we need to rethink it from the ground up.

Instead, in iPadOS 15, Apple simplifies the current system by adding dedicated buttons that make it easier for users to call features such as Split View, and by making split apps full-screen again. Did. Rather than going back to the blueprints and solving the problem with a better, more robust solution, perhaps suitable for professionals who use dozens of apps at the same time, the company simply added a few buttons to its existing system, I made it one day.

What exactly is happening?

Why is this? There are several possible explanations.

Pandemics and remote work make it difficult for teams of all sizes in all types of companies to remain as productive and efficient as they once were. Apple may have had great ambitions for the iPad OS this year, but simply couldn’t achieve them because it turned out that there was too much need to update employees, corporate culture, and major platforms and services each year. did.

The new iPad Pro has the same M1 processor that you’ll find on the Mac, but it’s still puzzling that it lacks basic computing capabilities. One potential explanation for Apple’s inclusion of the M1 in the iPad may simply be chip integration.

From one angle, it may make sense for Apple to use one chip to dominate everything, as the pandemic continues to run out of chips. Each model.

But from a more pessimistic perspective, putting the M1 on the iPad Pro has become a supply chain integration strategy for financial reasons, increasing efficiency, improving profit margins and boosting Apple’s bottom line. May cause you to.

The third and most optimistic view of the situation may be that Apple is planning a future update of the iPad OS that takes advantage of what the M1 offers. This seems possible, but 16 Those who buy a large $ 1800 12.9-inch iPad Pro with gigabytes of RAM will probably be exhausted in the near future, hoping that someday the super-powerful tablet software will work. It has become. To the potential of hardware.

Apple’s iPadOS will inevitably continue to mature. It’s silly for Apple not to bring apps like Xcode, Final Cut, Logic, and other professional software into the tablet beast.

After Apple’s WWDC keynote this week, I lamented the disappointment of the iPadOS 15 announcement on Twitter. One reader replied that WWDC is for developers, not users, and that it makes more sense to announce apps like Final Cut and Logic in the fall.

That wishful thinking may eventually prove to be true, but keep in mind that many of the heading features revealed in iPadOS 15 have little to do with developers, especially. Is important.

Indeed, the ability to place widgets anywhere on the home screen will allow more developers to create widgets — but those widgets have been part of the iPadOS for years (on the screen). I was driven to the left side and the search screen). Adding an App Library ported from the iPhone has essentially no impact on developers. Quick notes, SharePlay, screen sharing, and new Memoji are all features Apple has chosen to introduce to the iPadOS 15 and have little to do with developers. WWDC may be a developer show, but the keynote is for everyone.

Please tell me if this is the case

This could be everything Apple has ever intended for the iPad. In short, it’s a powerful, competent, fun device with a number of great apps designed to integrate occasional multitasking. If you need to use dual monitors, record podcasts, or edit 4K video with surround sound audio, you’ll need a Mac. The Mac is pretty good in all that, and the M1 is great.

I love the 12.9-inch iPad Pro and use it every day. This is an invaluable tool in my arsenal, and that’s why I really want to see it reach its full potential.

But after the announcement of WWDC 2021 and iPadOS 15, I’m wondering if Apple really wants to meet that potential. Or maybe you just want to sell your Mac for something like that.

If so, it will be. I’m happy to buy a new 12.9-inch iPad Pro with 8GB of RAM and use that extra money to put horsepower into Apple’s alternative platform.

Follow all the details of WWDC 2021 in a comprehensive AppleInsider coverage of the entire week-long event from June 7th to June 11th, including details of all new announcements and updates.

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