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California nurses say, ‘Don’t let hospitals delay earthquake safety measures again’

California nurses say, ‘Don’t let hospitals delay earthquake safety measures again’


The California Nurses Association (CNA) today condemned the California Hospital Association (CHA), with the help of its political allies, for trying to remove seismic safety laws that require hospitals to continue operating after an earthquake.

The following is the CNA statement on the importance of California hospitals being held accountable for seismic safety laws:

Californians depend on their hospitals to be there in an emergency. This includes the hours and days after the earthquake when it is most needed. Scientists have been warning of the upcoming “big event” in California, and our hospitals can and should prepare for it.

Fifty years ago, an earthquake in northern Los Angeles County killed 64 people, 49 of whom were at Veterans Administration Hospital in Sylmar. The 1994 Northridge earthquake caused three hospitals in Los Angeles to close indefinitely due to structural damage and loss of water and electricity, and dozens of them were so battered that they had to evacuate patients.

This finally led to politicians passing a law to better prepare for earthquakes. A critical part of these reforms was requiring hospitals to continue providing life-saving care after the earthquake — not just to ensure hospitals were not bogged down, but by 2030, to ensure they could continue to function. But, the California Hospital Association (CHA), with the help of its political allies in Sacramento, is trying to repeal these laws as the state grapples with a devastating drought, a global pandemic, and the onset of another potentially catastrophic wildfire season. .

Seismic safety laws have been on the books for decades. Hospitals have spent a considerable amount of time preparing construction and financing plans, and nearly 10 years before they have completed adhering to those rules – but they keep trying to throw the can down the road. As advocates for patients across California, nurses say, “Enough!” Hospitals must be fully prepared for the next “big hospital,” and when they claim they cannot do it, we must bring them under the law.

California nurses know how woefully unprepared hospitals have been for the current pandemic. Lessons from previous outbreaks such as MERS, Ebola and H1N1 should have prepared our healthcare system to better deal with Covid-19. But hospitals are profit-driven, which means that even when they know best, they put their profits first. As a result, 63,317 Californians have died from Covid-19 so far, including 475 frontline health care workers.

The CHA now wants to restrict 2030 safety laws to “buildings that provide emergency services only,” as if other hospital services don’t matter to patients who need hospital care, and delay all other compliance until at least 2037.

their excuse? The cost of covid-19. However, in 2020, Kaiser Permanente reported income of $6.35 billion. HCA Healthcare reported that it generated $3.8 billion in profit in 2020. In addition, California hospitals overall received more than $5 billion combined from the federal Medicare program in direct assistance, as well as more than $8 billion in pandemic-related loans.

The California Nurses Association, the California Building and Construction Trade Council, California Professional Firefighters, the California Workers Union, and others representing health care workers, emergency responders, patients, safety engineers, and retirees oppose any action through the budget, or Legislation that rolls back, extends the timeline, or weakens these standards. We encourage others to contact state legislators and call on state and government legislators Newsom to do the same.

Every day we delay compliance more, we are risking people’s lives. The real goal of corporate hospitals is to completely break out of the 2030 seismic safety standards range and leave us all unprotected. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the deadly tragedies that occur when hospitals are not prepared for disasters and emergencies. Let’s not let hospitals make the same fatal mistake twice.

The California Nurses Association has 100,000 members statewide and is affiliated with National Nurses United, the largest and fastest growing nurses’ union in the country.




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