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What Storm, What Thunder presents a haunting picture of Haiti


As our epidemic spread, I was selective, almost protective, about what I read, so natural disaster novels are not my first choice. I certainly wasn’t expecting a book focusing on the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, which registered 7.0 on the Richter scale and killed nearly 300,000 people and left 1.5 million homeless to capture me, but that’s exactly what happened with Miriam J.’s novel. , what thunder.

An old man, Malow, sells eggs at the Port-au-Prince market when the earthquake strikes; She acts as a kind of omniscient narrator. Its reflections open and close the novel, ending with Chancy’s narration. “Peace is what others want from me, from us, market women who fantasize about sitting motionless,” she says, “rooted in the ground but without extensions, no souls and families of our own, patiently waiting for them to come with dollars, their smiles full of need, to dump money and stories Desire, desire to be free from anxiety, to be free.” As a witness to an epic tragedy is the window through which readers see the intimate disintegration of life after the disaster. Among Chancy’s deceptive images are Sarah and Olivier, who perished in the earthquake; Their son Jonah is chasing after them. Sonya, the contact girl and Dieudonne, her business partner, who believe the man following them is Voodoo’s death spirit; Sonya’s little sister, Tavia, who was brutally raped in a tent city; Didier, a Haitian immigrant, was driving a taxi in Boston when he learned of the earthquake.

Despite its deep and persistent problems, Haiti remains a beloved home and identity center for Chancy’s characters, many of whom rely on real survivors the author spent years interviewing in the process of writing this novel. For Americans, Chancy seems to say, it’s all too easy to think of Haiti simply as a place where bad things happen, especially now: There was the assassination of Haiti’s president in July 2021, Jovenel Moss. Another earthquake in the country in August. In September, Border Patrol agents on horseback chased some 15,000 Haitian refugees from the Texas border, prompting Daniel Foote, the top US diplomat in Haiti, to resign.

“What Storm, What Thunder” complicates these novels – those focused solely on trauma – by carefully and lovingly paying attention to minute detail and tender people trying to carry on despite the earthquake – and other historical disasters – for so long. Chancy’s characters were uprooted, and their hearts were shaken; Relationships disappeared among the ruins. In a camp for internally displaced people (IDW), Sarah boldly feels the ghosts of her children on her elbow: “Her children came to define her… They taught her who she is and who she wants to be. Something more than a mother, something of the divine, a mediator between heaven and earth, the vase that He brought them from there to here, who made flesh of the soul.They made her believe in holy things, for a time, until they were all gone, within seconds, and miracles became dust, and left her above the earth only to preach about their passing, a passage which she no longer believed and which she refused to testify For her “.

With heartbreaking humanity, Chancy blends faith with despair, the hallmark of What Storm and What Thunder. Tavia, Sonya’s little sister, vulnerable in a tent city, is raped by a rude boy she knows – she sees the intersections of relationships from the child’s perspective and from the point of view of the witness and participant in the suffering, older than her years: “The work began in trying to rescue the dead and transport the dead that first night , before the dust began to settle. Even useless people like me moved the rubble with our bare hands until our fingers and toes bled. Every time we free a body from the tangles of steel and debris, every time you breathe in one of those bodies, it feels a little lighter.” .

The narrative arc of What Storm, What Thunder mirrors Tavia’s words. The thread of each character deepens our understanding of those missing under the rubble, survivors who become saviors or villains. Ma Lou leaves us with these ringing words, a kind of blessing: “Days mingled one with another, light mingled with darkness. It was hard to explain later, when those who were not here wanted explanations for the delay. But there was no real way to explain. Reality was no longer More. Time evaporated. These others were out of harm’s way: they were safe, in an unreal world. Here, life and death were stripped to its corners. All man-made things, including time, fell into the sky with solutions the darkness “.

What a storm, and what a thunder, ultimately reminds us that disaster breaks down our differences, as much as they may be. Tragedy does more than change us in ways beyond our control; It motivates us to become something different, a better person, despite our constant sadness.

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