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A recent study found that stressful previous experiences do not create resilience to future shocks


Providence, R. [Brown University] – What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger – This claim is universally accepted to the extent that it is an intuitive fact in contexts from daily conversations to the top 40 charts.

But new research led by a team of researchers at Brown University found this to be a mistake.

In fact, research suggests that the opposite is true: previous pressures educate people about future shocks, and thus increase their chances of developing a mental health disorder.

“We hope this research will stimulate interest in facing the increasing number of natural disasters annually – a major consequence of climate change – such as the devastating earthquake that affected Chile and neighboring countries,” said Christina Fernandez, a psychiatric epidemiologist. The main author of the study. The direct global impacts of these disastrous events on disease, death and the economy are largely recognized. Unfortunately, despite the high burden of disease, mental illness has so far not achieved proportionate emergence or an interest in policy or financing. “

The study, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry on Thursday, June 11, was a collaborative effort led by scientists at Brown and the University of Concepción in central Chile.

The team examined 1160 Chileans in 2003 and 2011 – both before and after the strongest recorded earthquake and the aftermath of the tsunami that struck their country in 2010. When the study started in 2003, none of the participants had a post-traumatic stress disorder history (PTSD) or severe depression disorder (MDD). After the 2010 earthquake, 9.1% of survivors with PTSD and 14.4% were diagnosed with MDD.

The risk of developing these disorders was particularly high among individuals who experienced many pre-disaster stresses, such as serious illness, injury, death of a loved one, divorce, unemployment, financial difficulties, legal problems, or loss of valuable possession. In order to be at increased risk for post-traumatic stress disorder (for those with zero stress), individuals had to cross the “threshold of severity” from four or more pre-disaster stresses.

MDD demonstrated a slightly different pattern: all pre-disaster stress – even one – increased the person’s risk of MDD after disasters, and each additional stress increased the risk.

In general, the researchers say, both results indicate that Chilean disaster survivors who suffered from multiple stress and trauma were more at risk of developing mental health disorder after disasters than those who experienced little or no prior stress.

“Unfortunately, the same may apply to COVID-19,” said Stephen Boca, professor of epidemiology at Brown School of Public Health and lead author of the newspaper. “We are already seeing how blacks and Hispanics have higher rates than [COVID-19] Infections and deaths. All evidence indicates that disadvantaged groups, who often suffer from higher levels of prior-life stress – such as limited financial resources and job instability – will most likely suffer from serious mental health conditions after the epidemic.

The team hopes its research will help other countries understand the importance of accessible mental health care.

“Personal and national health preparedness groups, such as those used in Chile, help mitigate the negative effects of disasters and can serve as a model for other countries,” said Benjamin Vicente, lead researcher at the University of Concepcion. . “Besides strict building codes, [Chile] It has a national healthcare service, which includes integrated primary and mental health care centers, most of which have trained staff to deliver disaster response strategies when needed. ”

In addition to Fernandez and Boca, Brown’s other authors of the study were Robert Conn and Brandon Marshall. Additional contributors included Vicente and Sandra Saldia from Concepcion University, Christian Quinnin, Carmel Choi from Harvard University and Christopher Arhart from University of Miami.

The study was supported by the National Institute of Mental Health (F31MH104000, 5T32MH017119-30) and FONDEF Chile (D021-1140 and 1110687).

This news story was written by contributing science writer Kerry Benson.


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