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5.6-magnitude earthquake strikes Iran, epicenter at a depth of 10 km

5.6-magnitude earthquake strikes Iran, epicenter at a depth of 10 km


A 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit Iran on Saturday at 03

According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), the earthquake struck 30 km northeast of the city of Kish, and the epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined at 26.7253 degrees north and 54.2613 degrees east longitude, Xinhua reported.

The earthquake comes after a strong earthquake hit the Afghan province of Paktika in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

So far, about 1,000 people have been killed in Barmal and Jian districts of Paktika province, and Sabra district of Khost province.

In addition, at least 1,455 people were injured in three of the six worst-affected regions of Barmal, Jaén and Sibera – many of them seriously.

Moreover, nearly 1,500 homes have now been verified as destroyed and damaged in Jian District, Paktika Province.

The disaster comes as Afghanistan continues to suffer a severe economic crisis since the Taliban took over, as US-led international forces withdrew after two decades of war.

A United Nations agency said Afghanistan had asked humanitarian agencies to assist in the rescue efforts, and that teams had been dispatched to the quake-hit area.

In this incident, India expressed its condolences to the victims of the tragic earthquake that struck Afghanistan and their families. India said it remains committed to providing assistance and support in this hour of need.

In the wake of the tragic earthquake that struck Afghanistan on June 22, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of External Affairs, JP Singh, delivered Indian humanitarian aid to Afghanistan on Friday in the presence of Taliban officials.

The first consignment of earthquake relief aid in India arrived in Kabul on Thursday, followed by the second consignment of relief aid that arrived Friday morning to support the Afghan people in the earthquake-affected areas.

Relief aid consists of basic items including family tents, sleeping bags, blankets, sleeping mats, etc.

The European Commission has announced €1 million in humanitarian funding to meet the most urgent needs of affected Afghans in response to the violent earthquake.

“An estimated 270,000 people living in the affected areas will need emergency assistance. In response, the European Union is mobilizing an initial €1 million for emergency support. Our trusted humanitarian partners will deliver aid to the most affected people in an already very fragile country,” Janez said. Lenarcic, Commissioner for Crisis Management: “The European Union is ready to provide more assistance.”

“In Afghanistan, an already devastating humanitarian crisis has been exacerbated by the deadly earthquake. As EU field personnel on the ground continue to assess the extent of the devastation, first reports indicate that more than 1,000 Afghans have died and many more wounded.”

To ensure rapid intervention in remote and hard-to-reach areas, EU humanitarian funding will be implemented by humanitarian partners already active in the country, including NGOs and the UN.

The funding will cover the most urgent needs of Afghans, such as providing medical assistance, water, sanitation, hygiene, shelter and protection services to the most affected and disadvantaged communities.

(The title and image for this report may have been reworked only by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is automatically generated from a shared feed.)




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