7 best earthquake alert and tracking apps for iPhone
An earthquake can be either a mild jolt that you hardly notice, or a terrifyingly destructive force of nature. Fortunately, technology has improved a lot in tracking seismic activity. Apart from relying solely on the news, you can benefit from a few apps designed for earthquake alerts.
Some of these apps allow you to track earthquakes all over the world, while others can actually warn you through alerts if they detect any dangerous seismic activity around you. So here are seven of the best iPhone apps you can install for earthquake alerts and tracking.
1. QuakeFeed earthquake alerts
QuakeFeed is by far the most comprehensive app on this list for earthquake alerts and tracking. The main screen of the app gives you a list of recent earthquakes around the world. It sorts them based on date by default, but you can change that to sort by size, distance, or depth.
The app also allows you to track wildfires, but this is not included in the free version. It even includes a map to help you visualize recent earthquakes around the world. Finally, you can set up custom regional alerts to notify you when an earthquake is about to occur in your area. They source this data from the USGS, so these alerts are fast and accurate.
Download: QuakeFeed (Free, premium version available)
2. MyShake
MyShake is an earthquake app developed by the University of Berkeley in Canada. It takes advantage of the ShakeAlert system established by the USGS. This app has been specifically designed keeping in mind the West Coast, an area that is often prone to earthquakes.
When an earthquake is about to happen, the app uses a loud audible alert telling you to “drop, cover, and wait.” These are time sensitive notifications, so the app will notify you even if your phone is on silent or you have focus mode on.
Although this app only serves one purpose, it is the most reliable on this list and a must have for people on the West Coast.
Download: MyShake (Free)
3. Alerts and feed my earthquakes
Like the other earthquake apps on this list, this one also includes a feed that tells you about any recent seismic activity around the world. However, the search feature here is more interesting. You can search for specific earthquakes over a specific date range and sort that data according to region and earthquake magnitude.
It’s a simple feature but it provides an in-depth look at earthquakes in the past. You can also customize alerts based on the area, earthquake magnitude, and distance. The map here can also show fault lines, which may be of interest to budding geologists. There is also a pro version of the app that supports Apple Watch.
Download: My Earthquake Alerts & Feed (Free)
4. EarthQuake+
EarthQuake+ is by far the simplest app on this list, but it serves its purpose nonetheless. It gives you a list of recent earthquakes, and clicking on one of these options will bring up a simplified view of the data. This data tells you the size, distance from the nearest location to Earth, and exact coordinates.
They source this data from the USGS, EMSC, and CNDC. On the main screen of the app, you will find volume filters labeled 2, 3, and 5. Apart from that, it also offers Apple Watch support that allows you to set up custom alerts based on volume and region.
Download: EarthQuake+ (Free, free version available)
5. Earthquakes – latest alert
This earthquake tracking app is immediately interesting because once you launch it, it asks you to choose from 22 different data sources related to seismic activity. This includes USGS, EMSC, BGS, and more. You can only enable one at a time, which makes sense, the thought of turning them all on would make a lot of mess.
You can filter the feed by data sources, max size, region, and date. It tells you how many hours passed before a particular earthquake occurred, as well as the exact date and time. The app uses Apple Maps to determine the location and different viewpoints. Of course, this will also send you alerts, but it’s better for tracking since notifications can be a bit delayed.
Download: Earthquakes – Latest & Alert (Free, in-app purchases available)
6. LastQuake
LastQuake is an old seismic tracking app, and you can tell by its user interface. However, it gets around this hurdle by being incredibly accurate. Each seismic activity entry tells you the date, time, location, and region. Moreover, it displays a map for each entry and the graph shows the most affected areas.
The app has a “near me” section that tells you if an earthquake has recently occurred in your area. LastQuake also includes a list of safety tips in case of an earthquake or tsunami. You can also enter your experience if you’ve felt an earthquake recently, and you can post this data directly to Twitter.
Download: LastQuake (Free)
7. Earthquake + Alerts, Map and Information
This one works similarly to the others but has access to more resources than most of the apps on this list. Like other earthquake-tracking apps, Feed tells you about recent earthquakes around the world, but you can click on all the individual entries and see how many people have reported feeling an earthquake.
The last event tells you about each earthquake in depth, such as the exact area in which it occurred. Other than that, it also provides tsunami information, location-based alerts, in-depth sort filters, and different map options.
Download: Earthquake + Alerts, Map & Info (Free, premium subscription available)
Stay safe from earthquakes with these apps
To sum it up, these earthquake apps are pretty impressive in terms of accuracy. Furthermore, this helps the USGS and other organizations provide open access to the data collected. Remember to allow important notifications for these apps to avoid missing any notifications.
These are the kinds of apps that can save lives in an emergency. Of course, you shouldn’t just rely on one app for this kind of thing. Try to paint it with some emergency features of iOS. For example, you must be aware of the SOS feature to quickly contact emergency services.
Sources 2/ https://www.makeuseof.com/best-iphone-apps-for-earthquake-alerts-and-tracking/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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