Strong earthquake kills hundreds in Turkey and Syria: Live updates
Seismologists fear that the quake, which struck a densely populated area of southeastern Turkey and was felt as far away as Israel and Cyprus, was strong and shallow enough to be deadly on a devastating scale. Authorities in Syria and Turkey have said at least 200 people have died and expect the death toll to rise.
The quake, which struck at 4:17 a.m., according to the USGS, had a magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter scale. Earthquakes can be much stronger, experts said, but what matters more than numerical magnitude is the relative strength along with location — whether many people live nearby — and depth, or whether an earthquake is shallow enough to affect a wide area. .
In a report released about 30 minutes after the quake, experts at the USGS said there was a 34 percent chance of 100 to 1,000 deaths, and a 31 percent chance of deaths between 1,000 and 10,000.
“Severe damage is likely, and the disaster is likely to be widespread,” the report said. Economic losses have been estimated at up to 1 percent of Turkey’s gross domestic product.
The energy released by the quake was equivalent to about 32 petajoules, enough to power New York City for more than four days, said Januka Atanayake, a seismologist at the University of Melbourne in Australia.
“In terms of energy, the magnitude 7.8 that occurred is 708 times stronger than magnitude 5.9,” he said, referring to the example of an earthquake in Melbourne, Australia, in 2021, in which the city sustained some minor damage.
The strength of earthquakes is measured on a scale known as the local intensity scale. The earlier version was known as the Richter scale. It’s a logarithmic scale: for every integer that goes up, the amount of energy released by an earthquake increases by about 32 times.
But the potential damage of an earthquake depends on much more than its magnitude, as the population density of a given area as well as the shallowness of the epicenter contribute to the level of destruction, with a shallow earthquake carrying the potential for more damage. This was about 10 miles deep.
Another important factor is the quality of building construction in the area. The USGS report noted that “the population in this area resides in structures that are highly vulnerable to seismic vibrations, although there are some resistant structures,” adding: “The predominant building types at risk are unreinforced brick masonry and unsupported low-rise concrete frame To press with filler. Build.”
The earthquake, while far from the strongest the world has seen in recent decades, could be particularly dangerous because of its location and shallow depth, said seismologist Susan Hough of the US Geological Survey, in a Twitter post.
At the lower end of the scale, a magnitude 1 earthquake would be a small earthquake, imperceptible to humans. A magnitude 7 earthquake has been described by seismologists as having “energy equivalent to about 32 Hiroshima atomic bombs,” Renato Solidum, director of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, told The Times in 2013.
The magnitude 7.8 earthquake in Turkey was classified as a “major” earthquake. Other earthquakes of similar magnitude included the 2013 earthquake in Pakistan, which killed about 825 people, and the April 2015 earthquake in Nepal, when nearly 9,000 people were killed.
This quake seems to be one in a chain, said Dr Atanayake, a Melbourne seismologist. A long fault line about 1,500 kilometers, or 930 miles, dividing the Eurasian plate to the north from the Anatolian plate to the south has caused several earthquakes of magnitude 6.7 or greater since 1939.
Sources 2/ https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/02/05/world/turkey-earthquake The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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