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Statue of Virgin Mary resists earthquake in Turkey as cathedral collapses: ‘an inspiring symbol of hope’

Statue of Virgin Mary resists earthquake in Turkey as cathedral collapses: ‘an inspiring symbol of hope’
Statue of Virgin Mary resists earthquake in Turkey as cathedral collapses: ‘an inspiring symbol of hope’


The statue of Mary, the mother of Jesus, survived a natural disaster after the deadly 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit Turkey in February, devastating that country and claiming thousands of lives.

the father. Jesuit priest Antoine Ilgate took to Facebook after an image of Mary stood strong while the Cathedral of the Annunciation in Alexandretta was destroyed.

“I brought the image of Our Lady from the cathedral, this image will be our strength and with it we will face everything,” Fr. Ilgit posted on February 6, the same day the earthquake hit.

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He also wrote: “Let us continue to trust God and His holy providence.” “It’s raining and cold and the tremors are very strong. We feel you close and we care.”

People died in both Türkiye and Syria as a result of the February 6 earthquake.

A 6.4-magnitude earthquake struck Turkey again on February 20, as reported by Fox News Digital.

“We also carry our beloved Syria in our hearts” Fr. Ilgate added in his letter, which was translated from Italian into English.


“May the Lord keep us in His love and be so favorable to us! A big hug to all.”

At left, the Roman Catholic Church of the Annunciation (Cathedral of the Annunciation) located in the city of Iskenderun, Turkey, where the building was destroyed by an earthquake. A statue of the Virgin Mary (not pictured) survived the earthquake. The actual statue is still standing despite the damage. (Burak Kara/Getty Images/iStock)

Facebook users commented on the post – offering love and prayers to the father. Abolished, his congregation, the Lord and Mother Mary.

Fox News Digital has reached out to Fr. Ilgit for comment.

The alternator inside the Roman Catholic Church of the Annunciation (Cathedral of the Annunciation) located in Iskenderun, Turkey, also appears to have survived the earthquake. (Burak Kara/Getty Images)

the father. Jeffrey Kirby, pastor of Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church in Indian Territories, South Carolina, told Fox News Digital that the preservation of Mary’s statue is not the only “miracle” that resulted from the earthquake in Turkey.


He said it gave hope to those suffering as a result.

Many religious artifacts and people’s personal items withstood the earthquake. An icon appears among the remains of the destroyed Greek Orthodox Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary after the deadly earthquake in the village of Tocakli in Altinuzu in Hatay Province, Turkey. (Reuters / Umit Bektas)

said the father. Kirby.

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“There are very few religious symbols common to Christians and Muslims, but Mary is one of them,” he said.

People are seen collecting copies of the Koran and Bibles from the rubble following the deadly earthquake in Kahramanmaras, Turkey. Many religious congregations collapsed, although religious texts and symbols survived the disaster. (Reuters/Suhaib Salem)

the father. Kirby continued, “She is revered in both traditions, and the presence of her statue serves as an inspiring symbol of hope for all Christian and Muslim believers.”

A doll lies on the ground on February 7, 2023, near the site of a collapsed mosque in the aftermath of an earthquake that struck the Turkish city of Hatay. (Reuters / Guglielmo Mangiapan)

Kirby added, “In the Christian tradition, the Blessed Virgin Mary is the Mother of Hope.”

“The survival of her statue, derived from the chaos of the earthquake, is a call to faith and trust in God’s presence and to rebuild life after loss and destruction.”

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On March 21, Fr. Ilgate spoke with the Society of Jesus, which is based in Rome.

A statue symbolizing Mary, the mother of Jesus, was left untouched after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit Turkey on February 6. bust. the father. Antuan Ilgit revealed a photo of the statue on Facebook. (Burak Kara/Getty Images)

He revealed how he leaned on communion and prayers in an earthquake — and never felt lonely.

In the interview, he also said that Türkiye will remain united and help heal wounds.

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On April 10, Fr. Ilgit announced that he participated in an Easter mass and vigil at St. Pierre Church (Sin Pierre Keleici) in Istanbul, according to his Facebook page.

Nicole Pelletier is a senior editor on the lifestyle staff at Fox News Digital.




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