‘Biggest We’ve Ever Felt’: Violent earthquake hits Hawke’s Bay, aftershocks likely
Residents across Hawke’s Bay can expect a jolt a few days after part of the area experienced an “extreme” 5.9-magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning, followed by dozens of other aftershocks.
The first quake occurred at a depth of 21 km near the rural settlement of Berangahao in Central Hawke’s Bay at 10.16 am, followed by a 5.4-magnitude quake at a depth of 17 km a few minutes later at the same location.
This was followed again by two smaller earthquakes – mag-3.9 and mag-3.5 – with more than 25 quakes reported in the hour after the first quake.
Seismologists have warned that aftershocks could continue for days, or even months, in the area already hit hard by Hurricane Gabriel.
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The National Emergency Management Agency confirmed there was no danger of a tsunami from the quakes. Ian McDonald, observer for the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defense Emergency Management Group, said residents could return following an earlier message that if the shaking was “prolonged or strong”, They must self-evacuate.
He confirmed that there had been no major damage in Berangao, although the local school and some residents had been evacuated.
Farming couple Lytton and Gretchen King were home when the quake struck, and they describe it as the biggest they have ever felt.
No stranger to earthquakes in Pōrangahau, by the time the third quake hit, they decided to move out of the house where they felt safer waiting for their cars.
“It was a fair jolt,” Gretchen King said, adding that it lasted about 30 seconds, followed by aftershocks.
“We’ve had a few earthquakes but it was the biggest we’ve ever felt.”
The “rumbling and wobbly” earthquake knocked a painting, a mirror, and some items from the shelves of the house, but there was no great damage to their house.
“It was a real back-and-forth,” she said.
Tū Ake Justice Commission earthquake
Architect and researcher Professor Anthony Hoyt and his team have proven conclusively that endangered Māori building techniques can withstand major earthquakes and will use this knowledge to rebuild the historic Bay of Plenty and Warne.
They were concerned about further damage to their 1,500-hectare farm, which had already been affected by the recent hurricane.
Hopefully this won’t cause any more slips.
What do scientists say
The quake and several aftershocks were felt “strong and widespread” across the North Island, said Dr. Katie Jacobs, a seismologist on duty with GNS Science, where GeoNet has received more than 20,000 felt reports.
“This is an area of frequent seismic activity, and this number of aftershocks is typical for events of this magnitude,” she said, adding that more shaking can be expected in the coming weeks to months but it is decreasing over time.
Pōrangahau is located along the Hikurangi Subduction which drives much of the earthquake activity along the east coast of the North Island. The region also experiences slow slip events – earthquakes that occur very slowly (and are not felt), with energy being released over weeks to months.”
Jacobs said they have not received any reports of landslides related to this event, but they can occur as a result of earthquakes, with homes close to hills or steep slopes being at risk.
There are likely to be further aftershocks in the coming days, says Dr. Finnegan Elsley Kemp, a seismologist in the School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences at Victoria University of Wellington. (file photo)
It was a very large earthquake for such a shallow depth – but not uncommon in the region, said Dr Finnegan Elsley Kemp, a seismologist in the School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences at Victoria University of Wellington.
He reported feeling a long “low frequency vibration” from his fifth floor office in Wellington.
Elslie Kemp thought it was unlikely to be related to the magnitude 6.8 earthquake near the Kermadec Islands earlier this week, as they were so far apart.
It is expected that the damages will be limited to some extent, especially in view of the remoteness of the area. However, he expressed concern about the potential impact on potentially saturated ground that could be subject to further slides.
“I feel particularly sorry for the people of the area who have had a terrible few months.”
With such a massive earthquake, he warned that there could be more aftershocks as felt this morning, in the coming hours and days, which could cause more “big shaking”.
The area is “already fighting” after the hurricane
Alex Walker, the mayor of Central Hawk Bay, said her main concern was the coastal Berangau community, which was “really struggling” to recover from the effects of Hurricane Gabriel.
“It was a really big shock,” she said.
Monique Ford / Stuff
Alex Walker, mayor of the central Hawke’s Bay area, says the area is still recovering from the devastating effects of Hurricane Gabriel. (file photo)
The main road into the community was still accessible after the tornado, but many of the side roads were badly damaged, particularly due to large slides.
She said more land movement was definitely a concern, especially since it has been raining heavily across the region for the past few days.
Walker said that while it was a particularly isolated area, its residents were resilient. She thanked the evacuees for their willingness and urged the community to remain alert.
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