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Turkey’s Erzincan Museum is ready to display the treasures of the Silk Road

Turkey’s Erzincan Museum is ready to display the treasures of the Silk Road


Located on the ancient Silk Road, Erzincan province will soon share hundreds of artifacts spanning thousands of years and many civilizations with visitors in a new museum that is set to open in a few weeks.

About 350 works from the Paleolithic Age, Bronze Age, as well as the Urartian, Persian, Eastern Roman, Seljuk and Ottoman periods will be on display at the facility. Built on 2,030 square metres, the museum is set to open in mid-May and will provide audio descriptions for visually impaired visitors as part of its efforts to promote accessibility.

For those who cannot visit the exhibits in person, a virtual museum system has been set up by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

A special exhibition area, where relics and visuals of important cultural assets damaged by the 7.9-magnitude earthquake in Erzincan on December 27, 1939, which claimed nearly 33,000 lives and injured thousands, will be placed in the museum’s garden.

Bülent Günültaş, head of the Museum Department of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums, told Anadolu Agency (AA) that artifacts from the Bronze Age to the present day, as well as works that reflect several periods from the Copper Ages to traditional clothing from the region, will be displayed in the museum.

Pointing out that the museum was designed according to the nature of Erzincan and the local architecture, Günültaş said, “I participated in the scientific excavations in Altintepe as a student here 20 years ago. The artifacts we found in the excavations at that time are also in this museum. It is our pleasure to show it.” Especially. We hope to enrich the museum with more excavations.”

The director of culture and tourism in the province, Arda Ib, said: “Cultural heritage is a treasure that informs community members of their common past and promotes a sense of solidarity and unity among them. Transferring the experiences and traditions that people have accumulated throughout history to the field of knowledge ensures the correct establishment of the future. Historical and cultural heritage must be protected not only because of values that he enjoys, but also because it provides young people with new opportunities for learning and development, promotes creativity and discovery, adds depth to our view of the world and life, and we all have a lot to learn from our past.”

After the completion of the Erzincan Museum, the artifacts preserved by the Museum Directorate of the Provincial Culture and Tourism Directorate and some artifacts of the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara and Erzurum Museum will be brought to Erzincan.

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