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“ Japan Sinks: 2020 ” review: Masaaki Yuasa Anime Series on Netflix is ​​flawed, but related


One of the good things about being part of the Whatsapp family groups is cute cats and videos for innocent toddlers. One of these messages showed Japanese safety training in kindergarten: young children wandering under their table, holding a hat and running out when warnings sounded. Adorable? But it also indicates the depth of the precaution taken in the event of a crisis.

When an island country lies along the Pacific Ring of Fire with more than 1,000 earthquakes hitting each year, it’s best to be really prepared. This is exactly why the opening scene of Japan’s sinking: 2020, people remain calm and alert when a low intensity earthquake strikes. Directed by Masaaki Yuasa, Japan Sinks: 2020, a 10-episode anime series based on the 1973 novel of the same name, tracing the struggle of a middle-class urban family to survive in a country devastated by the earthquake.

After about 10 minutes of the series, the first big earthquake strikes: building collapse, bridge collapse, train derailment, explosion, plane landing on the water, and all of the ingredients for an ideal tragic drama. But was it a good time to launch it? In the midst of a pandemic? A recent study claimed that disaster films help people cope with real health crises and give more flexibility during this epidemic. No wonder Contagion has become one of the most watched movies online.

Japanese banks

Director: Masaki Yuasa Voice: Rina Ueda, Tomo Moranaka, Yoko Sasaki Season: 1 Episodes: 10 Story: A family survival trip with massive earthquakes shakes Japan and makes the island sink

Sinking Japan: 2020 is very stressful with extreme surprises, moving from tragedy to tragedy. It is completely inverted by former Masilaki Yuasa Devilman Crybaby’s work, which was fiercer and more violent. Even the style here in good faith with moderate hues and simple melodies gives you hope, like A Life, the title track by Taeko Onuki and Ryuichi Sakamoto.

The show is a flexible story. How will ordinary people react when they lose their homes or cities. There is no time to mourn calamities – and most characters accept the truth and keep moving – except for the teenage daughter of the family, who is constantly worried about the guilt of the survivor.

Similar to the resourceful algae island in Life of Pi, the family makes a stopover in Shan’s welcoming town with delicious food and delirium parties. These rings may have contradictory symbols, but they made some strange and unusual moments.

Although she has tried to be more than just a catastrophic anime, showing human greed, unselfish love, family and connections, Japan Sinks: 2020 does not reach the impressive and exciting notes it could be.

Spoiler: Japan sinks and parts of it return to surface after a few years.

Japan Sinks: 2020 is currently airing on Netflix


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