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Earthquakes climb to the bottom of the White Caps 4-3 team in the MLS is Back Tournament


Ali Adnan and Christian Dagomey scored for Vancouver, who also benefited from a special goal.

Andy Rios also scored for San Jose, who had a lot of ball but lacked the clinical termination most of the night against the depleted White Caps team. Still, Crepeau was a busy night.

Adnan, the Iraqi left-back international in Vancouver, opened the score in the seventh minute, kicking a cross just behind Daniel Vega from inside the box.

Vancouver managed to score a 2-0 goal in the 22nd minute after owns when Dagomey, after passing a corner kick in San Jose, terribly stole the ball from Brazilian Godson and fed Yordi Reina behind the earthquake defense. Reina tried to pass the ball to Dagomey in the penalty area, but instead it bounced from Goodson’s leg to the goal.

San Jose came in the form of waves and Rios reduced the lead to 2-1 in the first half of stoppage time from the twelfth corner of earthquakes from the half, turning the ball with a pleasant tap from his foot and back to the goal.

Dagomei took advantage in the 59th minute when a terrible pass from Vega directly to David Milinkovic, who found the Colombian alone against his first goal in the American League.

The 37-year-old Wendolovsky hit the bench, sliding header to lower the lead to 3-2. The goal was 160 of his career, adding to the record standard season total for MLS, and 14 for him against Vancouver.

Alanis then climbed up to score the 19th San Jose kick, the league record equal, to tie the match.

Earthquakes beat Vancouver 7-31 and led the White Caps 11-2 team with shots on goal. San Jose also marked the league with 22 angles and got 67.9 percent. The Whitecaps team lived dangerously in defense but made the most of their few opportunities on the other side, with the help of San Jose.

Vancouver was the last team to see a move in the championship, taking the stadium at the vast ESPN Sports Complex after Orlando City and Philadelphia already qualified for knockout rounds.

The Whitecaps were originally scheduled to open on July 9 against FC Dallas, but the game was canceled when Dallas withdrew due to a rash of COVID-19 positive tests.

San Jose opened the championship last Friday with a 0-0 tie with the Seattle Sounders.

The temperature was 26 degrees Celsius at 9:00 p.m. EST, when the bathrooms swept through the area.

After Vancouver advanced, Crepeau advanced in the ninth minute to deny Jackson Yueill. Crepeau then had to deal with a powerful shot from Christian Espinosa.

Crepeau had to be sharp again in the 26th minute, breaking through a long zigzag ball from Espinosa that was heading for the top corner. The Whitecaps goalkeeper was lucky in the 41st minute, when he struck a defender, after a corner kick.

San Jose beat Vancouver 17-4 in the first half, gaining 73.4 percent.

Espinoza got a yellow card in the 56th minute when he returned the ball to Vancouver from a high header, and hit Adnan, who theatrically landed in the grass. The card remains yellow after reviewing the video.

Whitecaps are missing some of the key pieces in the tournament.

Attackers Lucas Cavallini, Freddy Monteiro, Tocent Ricketts, Andy Rose defender and defender / midfielder George Mocumbiloa did not make the trip to the Florida championship for personal or medical reasons.

Cavallini, Ricketts, and Rose began their last Premier League game in Vancouver – a 1-0 win over the Los Angeles Galaxy on March 7 – while Monteiro came off the bench.

On Wednesday 11 came from the start of the game with 29 goals in the regular season in the American Premier League where Rina formed 19 of those goals.

Reserve goalkeeper Brian Meredith left the team on Tuesday to be with his family in New Jersey after the death of his mother, Beth. A Whitecaps player wore black armbands with BM on them with full-back Jake Nerowski coming out bearing Meredith’s shirt and Pete Meredith’s name written under the number.

Juneau Bekele (close-up strain), who started in the right-back against the galaxy, and defender Eric Godoy (a four-headed strain) were injured in training Sunday.

White Caps midfielder Leonard Osso, 23, started off, while Ranko Veselinovic, 21, defender, made his debut in the American League.

Captain Russell Tibert made his 200th appearance in the first team. White Caps midfielder Patrick Metcalf, 21, from Richmond, British Columbia, made his debut in the American League.

Vancouver plays Seattle on Sunday before confronting Chicago, which replaced Dallas in Group Two, on July 23.

Group matches in regular season matches, leaving Vancouver 1-2-0 and San Jose 1-1-2.

This report was first published by the Canadian press on 15 July 2020.

Canadian Press

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