Earthquake resistance in Kashmir lies in the traditional architecture
Kashmir, the northernmost region of the Indian subcontinent, is known for two things: scenery and conflict. The picturesque valley from which it gets its name, is about 90 miles long by 25 miles wide, born of the collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates, and guarded by the snow-capped Himalayas above. But more than seven decades of conflict have severely damaged the political and cultural fabric of the region, depriving it of much-needed development in science and technology. Nowhere is this more true than in earthquake safety.
In mid-June, a small (magnitude 5.0) earthquake struck the Bhadaruah district of the Indian-controlled Jammu and Kashmir region, which is part of the total Kashmir region. Cracks formed in several buildings, and five people, including two students, were injured. The earthquake hazard is woven into the tectonic fabric of geography, due to its location at the cores of two active plates. But danger turns into disaster because in Kashmir, as elsewhere, construction has shifted from traditional, resistant wooden buildings to concrete ones. This small earthquake is a precursor to what geologists, myself included, have warned of a major earthquake in Kashmir, and millions of lives at risk because they live or work in buildings that are prone to collapse. The last major earthquake in the region occurred in 2005, killing 80,000 people.
To restore architectural flexibility in the region, we must return to traditional building methods. Government at all levels should promote earthquake safety in construction and treat local earthquake science with the seriousness it deserves. India’s population is growing, especially in Kashmir, so millions of lives are in danger.
Many earthquakes are still lost to history, but available data indicate that 14 major earthquakes, whose scars are inscribed in the topography and sediments of the region, occurred in Kashmir’s recorded past. Traditional building designs include Taq and Daji Diwari. These types of buildings, seen in places like Srinagar, have either masonry load-bearing walls (taq) set in wood or a rectangular wooden frame filled with masonry (daji dewari). The design was popular in the 19th century and lasted until the beginning of the 20th century, when the traditional wood and brick architecture of Kashmir was eclipsed by modernization with the original, poorly fitted concrete buildings.
The shift occurred for economic reasons: wood is expensive, not readily available, and obtaining it required lengthy administrative procedures. its persistence due to the loss of knowledge of wooden construction; Engineers in Kashmir mainly learn concrete design in school. This, to me, is a sign of the decline of seismology and technological wisdom, because earthquake engineers tell us that traditional Kashmiri building design is safer.
Wood beams are flexible shock absorbers, giving the structure much-needed resilience to withstand the vibration caused by an earthquake. The 2005 earthquake tested the resilience of these ancient structures, which performed much better than modern homes. Many houses using the traditional construction method survived and were not badly damaged. Concrete homes, built without earthquake-centric design, tumbled like a deck of cards. The idea of ​​building these structures to withstand vibration is not part of modern culture, whether governmental or aesthetic; The first National Earthquake Code was developed in India in 1962 and has been revised since then, but for a long time it was voluntary, and now that it is no longer so, it is still not enforced in Kashmir. My family, friends and relatives did not follow seismic safety measures when building their dream homes, because they did not think they were mandatory.
Therefore, changing the culture is crucial. California and Kashmir share a similar tectonic and geographic framework: breathtaking scenic views of a long and wide valley, flanked by equally enchanting mountains adorned with snow and forest cover. Tectonic plate boundaries make both regions vulnerable to earthquake hazards. California lawmakers long ago decided to amend the existing building and install an earthquake code that insists that buildings resist shaking caused by an earthquake. Not many people were happy, but the cultural shift did happen, and earthquake engineers and geologists are sure that many of California’s buildings—and the people in them—were safer as a result.
Whenever I visit Kashmir, the earth’s anti-earthquake preparations seem to remain unchanged; The buildings are a pile of often beautifully decorated concrete blocks ready to fall during an earthquake. It is reminiscent of not only the 2005 Kashmir earthquake, but the devastation that occurred last February in Turkey and Syria, where earthquake building regulations were not followed. It is a nightmare for seismologists to stand their ground and do nothing about it. Unfortunately, we do not have a direct role in establishing seismic regulations and safety procedures. Who will take responsibility? Government agencies in Kashmir need to wake up and take serious steps in protecting people from earthquake risks, such as quickly mapping accurate seismic vulnerabilities of buildings, as has been done in Chile and Japan.
People need a soft nudge from the Indian government to follow earthquake safety measures in construction and lifestyle, which hasn’t started yet. The job is huge, but essential to the security and future of Kashmir. The international community can help by providing assistance and building a collaborative network of seismology, engineering, and outreach activities. It could be a game-changer for valley seismologists and engineers, who often need help getting the right resources and funding to fill knowledge and technology gaps by working directly on the ground.
All of this is a challenge in a politically unstable part of the world. Kashmir, often described as a paradise on earth, is in deep crisis. The rich cultural heritage of Kashmir is unparalleled. We are known the world over for our pashmina shawl, shikara or houseboat, and yes, traditional wooden houses and bridges built to withstand earthquakes. This knowledge, set aside but not forgotten, gives hope that Kashmiri culture will shift towards safety from earthquakes. This transformation must be accompanied by political moves towards the well-being of the population and peace in the region – all ingredients for the survival of this natural paradise.
This is an article of opinion and analysis, and the opinions expressed by the author or authors are not necessarily those of Scientific American.
Sources 2/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/earthquake-resilience-in-kashmir-lies-in-traditional-architecture/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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