Opening of an earthquake simulator in Switzerland
Inside state of the art earthquake simulation. Image: INK A state-of-the-art earthquake simulator has opened in Switzerland aiming to educate people about how to behave if they are caught in a major earthquake
Written by Stuart Butler
Unless you live in an area that is particularly prone to these earthquakes — places like Indonesia, Japan, or Iran — you might think that your chances of experiencing an earthquake are very slim. But, maybe you should think again. Worldwide, there have already been 3,257 earthquakes with a magnitude greater than 4.0 recorded between the beginning of this year and mid-May. That's approximately 22.3 earthquakes per day!
Some of the more notable earthquakes already recorded this year include a 7.5 magnitude earthquake on Japan's Noto Peninsula on New Year's Day, killing 245 people. An unusual 4.8 magnitude earthquake struck the New York City metropolitan area in April. It was the strongest earthquake to hit the region since 1783. Also in April, Taiwan experienced its largest earthquake in 25 years, with a magnitude of 7.2, killing 9 people and injuring more than 900 others.
Last year saw some very serious earthquakes, including the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, which killed 55,000 people, and the earthquake in Morocco, which killed 3,000 people. In total, up to 66,000 people will be killed by earthquakes in 2023.
In the United Kingdom, the strongest earthquake in modern times measured 5.4 and occurred in 1984 with its epicenter on the Llyn Peninsula, North Wales. Although there were no known casualties, the earthquake caused structural damage and Liverpool was the worst affected.
Humanity, of course, has lived with the threat of earthquakes since the beginning. But due to increased human exposure and the number of buildings built in high-risk areas for earthquakes, the risk of earthquakes around the world is increasing year by year.
All of this may leave you wondering how to react if you experience an earthquake. To help answer these questions, a new Center for Earthquake Simulation and Prevention (CPPS) has opened in Sion, Switzerland. The goal of the centre, which is open to the public on Saturdays from 9am to 5pm and to organized groups from 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday, is to train people on how to react in the event of a major earthquake. The center's masterpiece is an earthquake simulator, recently developed by the HES-SO University of Applied Sciences in western Switzerland and the INK design studio in London. The simulator, the first of its kind, allows the different characteristics of an earthquake to be felt and experienced through the use of a giant moving platform (shaking table) and three large screens that surround and immerse viewers.
The simulator can replicate every earthquake recorded worldwide through powerful hydraulics located beneath the shaking table. This allows participants to physically experience the power of earthquakes such as the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake and the 2015 earthquake in Nepal, which killed 8,964 people.
The simulator's developers claim that it “will provide important educational content, including the causes of earthquakes, crust formation, and preventing serious damage through building regulations.”
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