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Canary Islands Weekly – 3.8 magnitude earthquake shakes buildings in Canary Islands

Canary Islands Weekly – 3.8 magnitude earthquake shakes buildings in Canary Islands
Canary Islands Weekly – 3.8 magnitude earthquake shakes buildings in Canary Islands


An earthquake measuring 3.8 on the Richter scale was recorded off the northern coast of Gran Canaria on Tuesday evening, near the municipality of Santa Maria de Gea.

According to the National Geographic Institute (IGN), the earthquake occurred at 7:20 p.m. at a depth of 20 kilometers and was felt in most of northern Gran Canaria, registering an intensity of IV on the European macroseismic scale.

This level of intensity means that the earthquake was felt both indoors and outdoors, and people reported experiencing shaking that was described as moderate.

The earthquake caused dishes, glassware, windows and doors to rattle slightly, while hanging objects swayed slightly. In some cases, light furniture may have visibly shaken, and there were reports of slight creaking in building structures.

Although no major accidents or damage to buildings were reported, the Canarias 1-1-2 emergency services line received numerous calls following the earthquake. Local authorities continue to monitor the situation closely.

Why is earthquake depth important?

While the magnitude of an earthquake, often measured on the Richter scale or the moment magnitude scale, is understood as the primary indicator of the potential damage an earthquake can cause, the depth at which an earthquake occurs is equally important. The depth of an earthquake, referred to as the depth of its focus or epicenter, plays an important role in determining the effects of an earthquake on the surface.

What is the depth of the earthquake?

The depth of an earthquake is the distance between the Earth's surface and the location within the Earth's crust where a seismic rupture begins. Seismologists classify earthquakes based on depth into three general categories:

1. Shallow earthquakes: depths between 0 and 70 kilometers

2. Medium earthquakes: depths ranging from 70 to 300 km.

3. Deep earthquakes: depths greater than 300 km

Most earthquakes occur in the Earth's crust, which is typically 5 to 70 kilometres thick. Shallow earthquakes are the most common and often the most destructive, but medium and deep earthquakes, although less common, still pose significant risks.

Effect of earthquake depth on surface damage

The depth of an earthquake is crucial in determining how much energy reaches the Earth's surface and how much damage it causes. Here's how depth affects the effects of an earthquake:

1. Shallow earthquakes: greater destructive potential

Shallow earthquakes tend to cause the most damage. Because an earthquake originates close to the Earth's surface, seismic waves travel a shorter distance before reaching populated areas, losing less energy along the way. As a result, structures closer to the epicenter experience stronger shaking and are more likely to sustain significant damage.

Some of the most powerful catastrophic earthquakes in history, such as the 2010 Haiti earthquake and the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, were shallow and caused widespread destruction.

In addition, shallow earthquakes can lead to secondary hazards such as landslides, tsunamis, and soil liquefaction. Because the ground near the surface is more susceptible to shaking, soft soil can behave like a liquid, amplifying damage to infrastructure.

2. Medium-depth earthquakes: wider area but less intense

Intermediate-depth earthquakes are less destructive at the surface than shallow earthquakes because the seismic waves have to travel a greater distance through the Earth's crust, dissipating some of their energy before reaching the surface. However, the effects of intermediate-depth earthquakes can be significant, especially because their energy can be spread over a larger area.

These earthquakes are often associated with subduction zones, where one tectonic plate slides beneath another. Although they may not produce the intense local shaking that occurs in shallow earthquakes, the wider area affected can still cause widespread, if somewhat less severe, damage.

An example is the 1994 Northridge, California earthquake, which, despite its moderate depth (18.2 km), caused extensive damage across a wide area.

3. Deep earthquakes: less impact on the surface

Deep earthquakes, which occur at depths greater than 300 kilometers, typically have minimal impact on the surface. The energy released by these earthquakes is absorbed by the surrounding ground, and much of it dissipates before it reaches the surface. As a result, even deep, high-magnitude earthquakes tend to cause less damage than their shallow counterparts.

Although deep earthquakes are less likely to produce devastating effects, they are still of scientific importance. They provide insights into the deeper parts of the Earth, such as the mantle and the processes that occur at subduction zones.

A prominent example is the 2013 Sea of ​​Okhotsk earthquake, which occurred at a depth of 609 kilometers and had a magnitude of 8.3 on the Richter scale. Despite its enormous depth, it was felt thousands of kilometers away, although the damage it caused was minimal due to the distance the seismic waves traveled.

Why Earthquake Depth Matters for Preparedness and Mitigation

Understanding the depth of an earthquake helps scientists, engineers, and governments better prepare for and mitigate potential damage. Knowing the depth of an earthquake, along with its size and location, enables us to accurately predict how much shaking will occur and which areas will be most affected.




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