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Deep learning scans the sky to observe volcanoes

Deep learning scans the sky to observe volcanoes


Major volcanic eruptions are rare, but they can be catastrophic: in 2018 alone, two pairs of volcanic eruptions in Guatemala and Indonesia killed at least 600 people. As with seismic sensing, the basic signals that determine volcanic activity are noisy due to automated interference, and the prediction of volcanic eruptions is imprecise (and less feasible). Researchers from Pennsylvania are using artificial intelligence to improve monitoring of volcanic activity, which could help predict dangerous eruptions.

Geologists use a variety of tools to monitor seismic signals around volcanoes, and mostly earth stations – but earth stations can be expensive and require regular maintenance. “It’s hard to put a lot of ground stations in a particular area in the first place,” said Jian, “but, let’s say there’s already a volcanic eruption or earthquake, it could potentially damage a lot of these expensive devices,” Sun, lead author and researcher of the research Postdoctoral in Geosciences in Pennsylvania, in an interview with Matt Swain of Pennsylvania. “Second, these tools will only give you measurements of ground motion at specific locations where they are anchored, so these measurements will have very limited spatial coverage.”

So for a truly scalable end-to-end monitoring, researchers are instead turning to satellites and remote sensing. But even that is noisy, with interference (especially water vapor and clouds) making it difficult to get a comprehensive imaging all the time.

“We can monitor Earth’s motion caused by earthquakes or volcanoes using remote RADAR sensors, but while we have access to a lot of remote sensing data, RADAR waves must pass through the atmosphere to record them in the sensor,” said Sun. . “The propagation path is likely to be affected by this atmosphere, especially if the climate is equatorial with a lot of water vapor and cloud changes in time and space.”

Artificial intelligence bridges the gap. Using a deep learning model that has been trained to recognize signals of volcanic deformation, atmospheric properties, and satellite faults, researchers are now able to fill in gaps in loud data, allowing them to accurately visualize an area and its volcanic activity – potentially enabling early warning signs such as sudden ground shifts.

However, the researchers didn’t stop there – they are already looking for improvements to the model.

“We want to be able to identify the motions of earthquakes and faults as well as the sources of magma, and include many of the subterranean sources that lead to surface deformation,” said Christelle Vauthier, associate professor of earth sciences in Pennsylvania. “We will apply this innovative new method to other active volcanoes thanks to the support from NASA.”

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