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WHO and partners are launching new guidelines on designing digital health interventions with and for young people.

Digital tools are an increasingly popular approach to improving health around the world – especially among adolescents and young people who access the Internet at earlier stages of life.

Digital health interventions aimed at young people is a new framework developed by WHO, HRP, UNESCO, UNICEF and UNFPA. Provides guidelines for effective planning, development and implementation of digital solutions with young people and for solving them many health challenges they may face growing up.

Meaningful engagement of young people at every step

This is crucial in working with young people, who they still encounter considerable resistance to view them as equal and valuable partners in program design and delivery. This is true even when it comes to programs, strategies, policies, funding mechanisms, and organizations that directly affect their lives.

The new framework includes a “work and don’t need” list to involve young people in the digital health design and delivery process, based on consultation with young people on social media, health content developers and interventions, health advocates, educators and current or future health professionals.

Young people are experts in their own health needs, the technologies they use and the way they access information”Said Dr. Lianne Gonsalves, Technical Officer in the WHO Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research, who led the development of these guidelines.

Digital interventions aimed at young people is the path to collaboration: trusting young people, learning from them and paying for their work. In addition to being crucial to successful solutions, meaningful youth engagement empowers young people to evolve from users, partners, leaders. ”

Learning lessons from the first generation of youth-focused interventions

In line with the growing number of WHO digital health guidelines, the new framework builds on important lessons learned from the first generation of youth-focused digital health interventions.

Instead of standalone websites and SMS-based pilot programs that are not integrated into the existing health infrastructure, the new guidelines note that solutions should complement and improve existing digital and non-digital tools already in the health system.

The next generation of digital health designers, programmers, researchers and donors can use the learning framework from the experiences of experts in the field – wrong steps, course corrections and success – and better meet the diverse health needs of young people.

WHO and the future of digital health

With the right approach and effective investment, digital health tools can transform health services and help achieve universal health care.

The WHO has a growing package of digital health tools that can help countries effectively put in place, increase, maintain and assess the impact of digital health interventions.

The DIIG and the youth-focused framework are supported by the same fundamental steps for the development of digital health interventions”Said Dr. Garrett Mehl, a scientist in digital innovation and research in the WHO’s Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research, including HRP.

When used together, these tools can enable meaningful youth engagement, responsible investment and long-term good governance of digital health interventions – ultimately ensuring that every young person has access to health care, information and education that suits them.. ”

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