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MVIP update – 1 million doses administered, Kenya, 1st anniversary, vaccine access collaboration


November 16, 2020 – More than one year in the pilot countries of Ghana, Kenya and Malawi, more than 1 million doses of RTS malaria vaccine, S / AS01 were applied and evaluated 480,000 children they received the first dose of the vaccine in their children and should benefit from this additional malaria prevention.

Kenya marked its 1All anniversary launching the pilot in September, with more than 128,000 children achieved by the vaccine, and one health worker in the country expressed a “great sense of pride” as part of an effort to protect children from malaria.

Malaria vaccination continues in all participating countries without major disruption, and vaccination is well received, despite the challenges it poses. Covid-19 pandemic. Evaluation of the introduction of the pilot continues, and the safety data collected are encouraging.

“The numbers of children reached in this relatively short period are encouraging and indicate good acceptance of the malaria vaccine in the community. Pilots help us understand whether children can be reached through a 4-dose regimen, the impact on severe malaria and lives saved, and the safety of the vaccine in routine use. This information will inform the WHO recommendations for wider vaccine use,,“Says Dr. Mary Hamel, program manager.

Vaccine access following pilots, if a malaria vaccine is recommended for wider use, remains a priority for the WHO and global health partners. Work continues to find a mechanism to support a continuous and long-term approach.

Stakeholder planning for long-term access to the vaccine officially began at a meeting of malaria vaccine stakeholders convened by the WHO, which included experts on malaria, immunization and children’s health in October 2019, where video by video was invited by WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. message, to “start thinking right away” about a long-term approach.

“There is a critical need for new tools that will get us back on track – like RTS, the S vaccine. Waiting for results will slow us down and delay an increase in the countries that need them most,” Dr Tedros said.

“Half of the world’s childhood deaths occur in Africa. In order to reduce child mortality, it is necessary to take care of interventions aimed at preventing the death of African children, ”said the late Dr. Peter Salama in his introductory speech as chair of the meeting, noting that malaria remains the leading cause of child death in Africa. Dr. Salama was one of the oldest leaders of the WHO for “health for all” at the time.

Dr. Salama called the malaria vaccine “for the poor, for justice and a tool with a developed delivery system.” The RTS, S / AS01 vaccine provides an additional level of protection that, in combination with other malaria control tools, could change the survival trajectory of children in high-load areas, especially in light of high coverage and vaccination reach, he explained.

Kenya recognizes the potential of a malaria vaccine

A year ago, on September 13, the Kenyan Ministry of Health launched a malaria vaccine in Homabay County, a high-load area.

Kenyan Ministry of Health officials welcomed the new tool at the time, noting that a further 40% reduction in malaria cases, achieved through vaccination, on top of the protection provided by other proven disease-cutting measures, would be a welcome contribution to improving health and reducing health care.

IN news comment to mark the anniversary, Siaya County Health Director Dr. Ken Oruenjo says, “We see real potential to significantly reduce malaria infections and mortality by adding a malaria vaccine to a set of proven malaria control measures.”

“We also believe in our results with childhood immunization, and the malaria vaccine, RTS, S, offers hope. It is the first and only vaccine that has significantly reduced malaria in African children. The vaccine also reduces cases of severe malaria and related hospital admissions, ”he adds.

MVIP during COVID-19 – critical prevention

The introduction of state-led phase-based malaria vaccines remains generally stable in vaccination areas in the context of COVID-19.

The malaria vaccine is being introduced in areas where children are at high risk of malaria disease and death. In these areas, as many as 60% of visits to outpatient health facilities in childhood are due to malaria. The RTS, S vaccine reduces cases of malaria in children, including cases of severe malaria, associated hospital admissions and the need for blood transfusions, all of which can add stress to health systems.

“Interruption in access to basic health services can result in an increased number of illnesses and deaths from common childhood illnesses, including malaria.” says Dr. Hamel. “That’s why the WHO recommends that basic health services remain available during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“The WHO is working closely with ministries of health and partners in the country to anticipate and mitigate potential risks to vaccine pilots, including those arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. By planning ahead, EPI programs were able to maintain vaccine delivery, and the evaluation partners successfully continued the pilot evaluation with minimal interruptions, ”she says.

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