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Shabus Barshat Weetza (November 28) Yav Kislev is 180 Yars from Ain Basin

Shabus Barshat Weetza (November 28) Yav Kislev is 180 Yars from Ain Basin


Bas Ayn, Harav Avraham Dov Ber of Ovritch was born in 5525/1765 in the Ukrainian town of Chmielnik. He married the daughter of Rabbi Overrich and settled there. After that, he took over the position of Rabbi of Ofrich, where he would stay for about forty years.

He counted one of his great disciples from Harav Nahum Chernobyl, and מאור עינים z “to, and R ‘Levi Yitzchok from Barditchev, and קדושת לוי, and was affiliated with many other Tzadikim of his generation.

To answer Rabbi’s desire to print his earlier donation here

At an advanced age of 70, BAS Ayen made the heroic decision to move to ארץ .ישראל and upon his arrival, Chassidim appointed the Tzfas to him as his spiritual leader and guide, a role he would stay in for the remainder of his years.

There is so much he’s written about in his life in the Holy Land that Rebbe’s self-sacrifices for the sake of the entire Tzfas community have been so well known. He said that Rebbe does not differentiate between Hasidism / מתנגדים / ספרדים and treats everyone the same. Bas Ayin fostered a peaceful atmosphere in Tzfas alongside Tzaddik Gaon R. Israel of Shaklav who was the leader of Gra’s students.

In a well-known incident, Bas Ayin is honored for saving the Tzfas community from complete annihilation during the fatal earthquake of Tevet 24, 5597 (January 1, 1837). The earthquake was responsible for 5,000 lives lost, which at the time was more than 80% of the community. The earthquake happened between afternoon and evening prayers, while most of the men were in Chol, all of a sudden they all felt tremors and shocks. Of all the graves in Tesfas, only two remained standing (Ari of Sephardi and Abuhav), and hundreds of Jews perished in prayer under the collapsing rubble. In the shul of Bas Ayin as elsewhere, panic reigned, and worshipers began to flock for the doors.

“Come to ארון הקודש if you wish to be saved!” He called to the dress of Pete Ein and immediately everyone crowded around him. Bass Eye threw himself on the ground praying and crying. And here was the miracle, although most of the sanctuary had collapsed, the area where the rapists and his followers had gathered remained standing and everyone was rescued there. As of today, the dividing line between the original structure (near the ark) and the reconstructed portion is clearly visible. One of the sources (Eden Zion) says that while almost all of the walls collapsed, the domed ceiling miraculously remained high, as if it were suspended in the air!

Bas Ayin niftar was on 12 of Kislev, 5601/1840 and the plague immediately stopped. He was buried in me’arah along with other great Chassidic leaders, such as ערבי נחל and not far from kevarim to Bess Joseph and Alshich. . His family is referred to in Tesfas as a place of prayer for those in need of religious schools. Thousands of Yiden come every year to his yartzeit and many stories are told of miracles that happened as a result.

The sacred sefer ת ין was printed several times, but each subsequent edition carried with it the typos and errors that crept into each of the publications. About fifteen years ago, Rabbi Yisrael Mendelovets was motivated by Rabbi Tosh to revise and republish the chapter as intended. As Rabbi Mendelovits noted, it was only סייעתא דשמיא that as soon as he began his sacred work many manuscripts were discovered enabling him to edit the entire Lucifer, consolidate the prints earlier, and publish them with the correct text. Now, Rabbi Mendelovets is working on publishing an English version of Sefer and it is nearing completion.

It is well known that reprinting a book is of great benefit to the author, and even more so for those who participate in this project. This is especially true of the righteous who have left behind no children and that their work is their legacy and they will seek the well-being of those who provide them with this service.

To answer Rabbi’s desire to print his earlier donation here

While the English version is nearing completion, much remains to be done and financial support is essential. Can you imagine how lucky she is to have the chance to partner with Rebbe? Rebbe considers this work to be the fruit of his labor, in some respects like his child, as Rebbe often quoted from our sages, תולדותיהם של צדיקים הם מעשים טובים.

By answering this call, you are answering Rebbe’s call and fulfilling his will. This moment provides a unique opportunity to participate in this amazing mitzvah, you can donate or make dedication and merit his mitzvah and its countless reward. To donate click here

For more information or to customize your Parshe, please contact Rabbi Yisrael Mendelovits at // [email protected] Or at (917) 5465586 Thank you and Tizke LeMitzvos

Zechuso yagen aleinu. May his memory be a source of protection for us all.

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