Tsunami monitoring equipment exited Raul Island during Friday’s earthquakes and was brought back by the GNS team
GNS Science employees went ashore on Raul Island on Wednesday and restored the data communications link that was lost when major earthquakes shook the area on Friday.
The main earthquake activity began with a 7.3-magnitude event off the Eastern Cape around 2.30 am. This was followed by an earthquake measuring 7.4 below the sea floor near Raul Island at around 6.40 am.
Then at around 8.30 am, there was a magnitude 8.1 earthquake near Raoul Island, the largest and northernmost of the Kermadec Islands.
The link was lost before he could transmit information about the tsunami caused by the second great earthquake in the region. No one was on the island at that time.
Read more: * A navy ship heads to the remote Raul Island to check tsunami warning systems. * An expert says that the tsunami of Trifecta in New Zealand is a rare event * Minor damage after earthquakes and tsunami warnings, initial reports indicate
Last Friday, sensors provided Raul with information about the first tsunami, but due to failure of communication links, the data for the second tsunami was inaccessible. “I’ve lost that data now,” said Sam Taylor Offord, GNS seismic duty officer.
Understanding the impact of earthquakes and tsunamis on the island was developing.
Kristel Yardley / Staff
Residents of Whakatāne and Ōhope move to higher ground and park their cars near the Ōhope Scenic Reserve on Friday.
Employees who went ashore found that the rack, which was flush with the ground and carried GNS equipment, had been pulled off the ground and turned over. “Basically all of the power cables are out. That’s totally unexpected,” Taylor Offord said.
“It would have been the earthquake. The question is how strong is the shaking on the island, because when the power went out we lost the data.
“We don’t know how strong the tremor caused the damage, but we can see what comes next,” he said.
NZDF / Provided
The Royal New Zealand Navy ship HMNZS Canterbury with Raul Island in the background, captured during a resupply mission in 2018.
There was also a data gap during the first earthquake. “We are not sure why that is yet, but it could have been the second earthquake that wiped out the communications.”
When the electricity went out and communications went out, data from the tsunami was also lost. Taylor-Offord said it might be possible to get an idea of the size of the tsunami waves and how far inland they went by looking at the impact of events on the island.
In addition to restoring existing communications links, work is underway to add an additional layer of durability to the systems supporting data communications.
NZDF / supplied
Aerial view of Raul Island Station.
GeoNet said the three quakes triggered tsunami waves that were interfering with and were recorded around New Zealand.
The largest tsunami, which occurred after the East Cape earthquake, was about 30-35 cm in Luten PTV in the East Cape, and about 10-20 cm in Great Barrier Island.
After earthquakes near Raul Island, waves overlapped and produced a 35-40 cm tsunami. This was measured by a tsunami scale at Great Barrier Island, and it was also recorded on several other scales across the country.
And GeoNet said tsunami heights can vary greatly along the coast, so there may be larger tsunamis where there are no tide gauges to measure them.
GNS, MetService and Department of Conservation have facilities on Raul Island. After the earthquakes, the Navy ship Canterbury headed for the island, which is about 1,000 kilometers northeast of New Zealand, with small teams from GNS and MetService on board.
The GNS has two underwater tsunami scales off the coast of Raul Island.
Taylor-Offord said they measure the difference between atmospheric pressure and pressure in the sensor itself, indicating the height of the water above the sensor.
Google Maps / Introduction
The subtropical Kermadec Islands, with Raul Island highlighted here, lie roughly halfway from New Zealand to Tonga on the boundaries of the Pacific Plate and the Australian Plate.
When a tsunami passes over the sensor, we observe it through the change in water pressure it causes as it travels ashore. How much water pressure has changed due to a tsunami gives us an indication of its height at the sensor site.
Taylor-Offord said the two tsunami gauges in Raoul provided useful information about the threat of tsunamis that earthquakes pose in the region.
Because the sensors were close to the source of many of the earthquakes that could cause tsunamis, they gave an early and clear indication of the tsunami threat, often hours before a tsunami arrived on mainland New Zealand.
While tsunami gauges and other geophysical sensors on Raul Island were important, the GNS and GeoNet could monitor earthquakes and tsunamis in the Tonga Kramadec subduction zone without them.
The view from Prospect Ridge on Raoul Island, overlooking Green Lake and Blue Lake (file photo).
There was a regional sensor network in the South Pacific that had as many seismometers and tsunami meters as those on Raul Island, as well as many tsunami sensors in the depths of the ocean.
A DOC spokesperson said management had received a report from Raul stating that there was no major damage to DOC buildings on the island.
The kitchen was a mess with things loose on the floor and it was tidy. The fire tank tank was severely damaged.
Until a year ago, DOC had a team of about 15 people on the island, but they were transferred when New Zealand entered its fourth Covid-19 alert level.
With the island remaining uninhabited for the time being, and with the deadly eruption of the Whakaari / White Island volcano in December 2019 in mind, a health and safety review of DOC’s work on the island is underway.
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