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Earthquake damage analytics startup raises $ 9 million


Safehub’s vision is to “provide an immediate risk view for all global commercial buildings, for multiple risks”

May 4, 2021, 10:10 | Karl Tomsk

With support from JLL Spark and A / O Proptech, Safehub raised $ 9 million in A Series funding to expand its Disaster Analytics Program.

Safehub uses Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, data and analytics to provide real-time earthquake damage information for buildings. The platform analyzes data and publishes alerts through a web-based dashboard, text messages and emails.

The information collected is used to estimate damage to individual buildings and portfolios, measure business related interruption losses, and inform clients within minutes. This means someone is in

Headquartered in San Francisco, Safehub’s solution is a response to the growing risks of natural disasters and business interruptions that they cause.

Natural disasters cost global economies around $ 210 billion last year, according to German reinsurer Munich Re – a sharp rise from $ 166 billion the previous year.

Meanwhile, business interruption is the most important business risk in 2021, according to an Allianz industry survey, with a third of respondents fearing the impact of natural disasters the most.

Safehub plans to roll out “all global business buildings” programs to provide them with risk insight into a range of hazards and disasters.

Led by A / O Proptech, the latest funding round also included Hannover Digital Investments and JLL Spark. Incumbent investors, Fusion Fund, Ubiquity Ventures, Promus Ventures, Bolt, Blackhorn Ventures, Maschmeyer Group Ventures and Team Builder Ventures also contributed to the tour.

Gregory Dywerp, Founder of A / O Proptech, said: “As Covid-19 and Suez have demonstrated, supply chains and business disruptions can have disastrous impacts on our economies and our businesses.

“Extreme weather and interruptions associated with natural disasters can be utterly devastating for businesses around the world, regardless of their location. In a globalized world, real-time access to valuable data and insights is crucial to understanding, assessing and making fast-paced decisions that affect lives and costs. And operations. “

Andy Thompson, Co-founder and CEO of Safehub, said: “Companies have never before had this level of information at their fingertips, allowing them to quickly assess the damage caused by catastrophic events, often on the other side of the world.

Our vision is to use IoT building sensors and advanced data analytics to provide real-time risk visibility for all global commercial buildings, for multiple hazards. We are transforming the entire risk ecosystem, including emergency response, business continuity, structural engineering and insurance. ”

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