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Recent earthquake swarm in Tahoe sparks talk among seismologists about potential for larger earthquakes | Carson City Nevada News


Earthquakes in Lake Tahoe and the region have been the largest on the larger side of the seismometer since spring 2020 as the frequency of earthquakes has also increased.

The 3.2 magnitude earthquake was felt by residents along Carson City last March, which originated northeast of the Indian Hills according to the USGS.

The University of Nevada Seismology Laboratory reported a 3.9-magnitude earthquake near Glenbrook last April, shaking residents from Carson City to Myers in South Lake Tahoe. Subsequent data reported smaller earthquakes in the region at 2.5, 1.9 and 2.8 degrees, respectively.

The Stateline Fault, as it was called by local seismologists in Tahoe, has been shaken by several dozen earthquakes since April of this year. Thus, one big question arises: Are these aftershocks of something deeper, or harbingers of a larger earthquake to come?

May 2021 recorded various earthquakes around the Lake Tahoe area, each major earthquake approximately two weeks apart. KRNV 4 in Reno reported a 4.7-magnitude earthquake on May 6 north of Truckee, California.

A 3.4-magnitude earthquake rocked near Tahoe on May 17, as recorded by the United Nations Seismological Laboratory. May 28 brought a larger tremor, with a magnitude of 4.3 recorded by the United Nations Laboratory in the middle of Lake Tahoe.

Most people think San Andreas is the epicenter of earthquake-causing faults, said Dr. Graham Kent, director and professor at the United Nations Seismology Laboratory.

However, most major faults range from Echo Peak to Fallon, with half to a third of the San Andreas earthquakes coming through this region.

“It’s a big deal,” Kent said.

According to Kent, only time will tell when the next great underground rupture will occur.

“We have two fault lines that did not separate at an average of 4,500 years in Lake Tahoe, 7,800 years ago and 1,100 years ago,” Kent said. “The wise person will say we are worthy.”

While all of this data may lead to conclusive information about what to expect in seismic terms for Lake Tahoe, there is the potential for another type of natural disaster: tsunamis.

Steve Bohlin, a California Geospatial Survey geologist, told CBS Sacramento in May that he recently noticed an uptick in earthquake activity around Lake Tahoe. The lake, as noted by Bohlen, is directly on the fault line near Stateline Point and Incline Village.

“There is a tsunami risk around Lake Tahoe,” Bohlin said in an interview. Although ultimately unlikely, a magnitude 7 earthquake within the lake would be enough to produce tsunami-like wave effects, according to Bohlin.

Despite the unexpected fact of the lake tsunami caused by a large tremor, Kent said the Stateline fault is unable to quake with a magnitude of 6 or higher. A 6 on the seismometer is not scientifically large enough for tsunami-like waves.

“When you hit the edges of the big fault lines, people get nervous that things are getting wider,” Kent said. “Seismologists talk to each other after these earthquakes to share and analyze.”

While preventing an earthquake may not be possible, mitigating losses is possible. Kent advises people to pay attention to heavy shaking if they are on the beach, and move to higher ground immediately.

“Education and awareness are key,” Kent said. “Big events will trigger a tsunami of 30 feet that can create landslides underground without an earthquake that can also cause a tsunami.”

Kent said imperfections aren’t perfect, they’re messy. Therefore, recent data cannot be certain in determining the next large earthquake, even the earthquake that rocks Lake Tahoe in producing tsunami-like conditions.

– Paula Peterson of contributed to this report.


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