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UBC Medicine's research was awarded $18 million by CFI, NSERC and SSHRC

UBC Medicine's research was awarded $18 million by CFI, NSERC and SSHRC


An aerial image of the Irving K. Barber Learning Center at UBC Vancouver.

UBC Faculty of Medicine-related research projects have been awarded more than $18 million in federal funding from the Canada Fund for Innovation (CFI), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Alliance of Canada (NSERC) 2022 and Social Sciences Grants and Insight Development Research Grants Council (SSHRC).

The new federal investment supports ten research projects that address some of the most pressing health challenges facing Canadians, including the development of innovative treatments for cancer, diabetes, stroke, infectious diseases and more.

Funding was announced as part of the Government of Canada's recent investment of over $1.7 billion in research, which included support for over 7,700 researchers and research projects across Canada. The Honorable Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Transport and Lieutenant of Quebec made the announcement on behalf of the Honorable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, and the Honorable Mark Holland, Minister of Health.

CFI Innovation Fund

CFI F InnovationAND provides ongoing investment in research infrastructure across the spectrum of research, from basic to applied to technology development. A total of ten projects led by UBC researchers have been awarded $36 million in the latest round of funding, with UBC researchers also collaborating on projects led by other institutions.

Projects directed by the Faculty of Medicine include:

  • Infrastructure for Accelerated In Vivo Molecular Imaging and Theranostic Research
    UBC Leaders: François Bnard (Radiology) and Arman Rahmim (Radiology)
  • SMART Labs
    UBC Leader(s): Janice Eng (Physical Therapy)
  • Immunology of transforming and disruptive systems
    UBC Lead: Leonard Foster (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) and Honglin Luo (Pathology and Laboratory Medicine)
  • Improved preclinical modeling of metabolic resilience for novel diabetes and obesity therapy
    UBC Leaders: James Johnson (Cell and Physiological Sciences) and Elizabeth Rideout (Cell and Physiological Sciences)
  • Field camera and the Shim System for precision MRI
    UBC Leaders: Alexander Rauscher (Pediatrics) and Piotr Kozlowski (Radiology / Urological Sciences)
  • CGEn Canadas national platform for genome sequencing and analysis
    Leading institution: Hospital for Sick Children
    UBC Leader: Steven Jones (Medical Genetics)
  • TRAC: Therapies for Rare Cancers
    Lead institution: University of Calgary
    UBC Leader(s): Natalie Strynadka (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)

NSERC Alliance Grants 2022

NSERC Alliance Grants supports R&D collaborations between Canadian university researchers and partners from the private, public or not-for-profit sectors, as well as opportunities for Canadian researchers to work with national and international academic counterparts. A total of 52 projects led by UBC researchers were announced to receive funding through the 2022 Alliance Grants program, with a combined funding of $17.5 million.

Projects directed by the Faculty of Medicine include:

  • A new approach to study occupant kinematics, muscle activity and cervical spine posture in vehicle rollovers
    Peter Cripton (School Biomedical Engineering / Orthopaedics)
    20,000 dollars
  • A unified approach to analyze the time-frequency representation of nociceptive-related potentials
    John Kramer (Anesthesiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics)
    25,000 dollars

SSHRC Insight Development Grants

Development of Insight Grants support research in its early stages and enable the development of new research questions, as well as experimentation with new methods, theoretical approaches and ideas. A total of 46 projects led by UBC researchers was awarded funding through the 2023 Insight Development Grants competition, with combined awards of over $2.75 million.

Projects directed by the Faculty of Medicine include:

  • Vicarious well-being and resilience in health care professionals: Cultural considerations
    Jennifer Coelho (psychiatrist) and Janet Mah (psychiatrist)




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