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Media Invited to NASA's 30th Anniversary International Rover Competition

Media Invited to NASA's 30th Anniversary International Rover Competition


NASA will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Human Exploration Rover Challenge when the competition returns to the US Space and Rocket Center's Aviation Challenge Course in Huntsville, Alabama, on Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20. The event is free and open to the public with rover excursions occurring daily from 7:30am to 3pm CDT or until the last rover completes the obstacle course.

NASA selected 72 student teams in October to begin an engineering design challenge to build human-powered rovers that will compete on the course at the agency's Marshall Space Flight Center.

Media are invited to watch more than 600 students from around the world attempt to navigate a complex obstacle course piloting a human-powered vehicle of their own design and manufacture. Media interested in attending or arranging interviews should contact Taylor Goodwin in the Marshall Communications Office at 938-210-2891 no later than 2:00 p.m. Thursday, April 18.

Participating teams represent 42 colleges and universities and 30 high schools from 24 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and 13 other nations from around the world. The NASA Handbook has complete proposal instructions and assignment challenges.

To conclude the 2024 season, NASA will host an in-person awards ceremony on Saturday, April 20, at 5 p.m. inside the Space Camp Operations Center at the US Space and Rocket Center. NASA and industry sponsors will present numerous awards highlighting the team's successes throughout the past eight-month engineering design project, including awards for Best Rover Design, Best Pit Crew Award, Most good at social media and many other achievements.

Media interested in attending or arranging interviews should contact Taylor Goodwin in the Marshall Communications Office at 938-210-2891 no later than 2:00 p.m. Thursday, April 18.

About the Challenge
The Human Exploration Rover Challenge challenges high school, college and university students around the world to design, build and test their own lightweight, human-powered rovers on a course that simulates lunar and Martian terrain, all while completing tasks mission-focused science. Qualifying teams compete to be among the top three finishers in their divisions and win multiple awards including Best Vehicle Model, Best Starting Team and more.

The challenge attracts hundreds of students from around the world every year and reflects the goals of NASA's Artemis campaign, which will land the first woman and the first black person on the Moon.

The event was launched in 1994 as NASA's Great Moon Race, a collegiate competition to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. It expanded in 1996 to include high school teams, evolving again in 2014 in the NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge. Since its inception, more than 15,000 students have participated with many alumni now working in the aerospace industry, including NASA.

The Human Exploration Rover Challenge is managed by NASA's Southeast Regional Office of STEM Engagement in Marshall and is one of eight Artemis Student Challenges. NASA's Office of STEM Engagement uses challenges and competitions to further the agency's goal of encouraging students to pursue degrees and careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

To learn more about the challenge, visit:

Taylor Goodwin
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.

[email protected]




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