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Secretary Antony J. Blinken and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba before their meeting

Secretary Antony J. Blinken and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba before their meeting


SECRETARY BLINKEN: Good morning, everyone, and as always, it's great to see my friend and colleague Dmytro Kuleba, the Foreign Minister of Ukraine. This is a critical time for Ukraine. Its people have fought incredibly bravely to defend their country, to reclaim the territory occupied by Russia since February 2022 and, at the same time, to work to build a strong country for the future, a strong country militarily, economically and democratically.

But at this moment, it is urgent that all friends and supporters of Ukraine maximize their efforts to provide Ukraine with what it needs to continue to effectively defend against this Russian aggression. And especially for the United States, that means approving the supplemental request, the supplemental budget that the President has made for Ukraine, which will now hopefully be before the House of Representatives this weekend.

And I would just recall the deep stake that the United States has in Ukraine's success. If Putin is allowed to continue with impunity, we know he will not stop in Ukraine, and we can safely predict that his aggression will continue. Other would-be aggressors around the world will take notice and unleash their aggressions and we will have a world of conflict, not a world of peace and security.

And for the United States, the contributions that we have made, that our taxpayers have so generously made, have been more than matched over the past two years by European partners, Asian partners, and more than 50 other countries around the world that support Ukraine. And, of course, almost all of the additional budget requests that are required will go to defense production in the United States, building our defense industrial base and helping to provide good jobs in the United States.

So for us at the moment, it is imperative that we continue to offer our support, just as our European and Asian partners, including those here in the G7, are doing the same.


FOREIGN MINISTER KULEBA: Thank you. We are seeing each other against the backdrop of another devastating attack. Yesterday, there were three Russian missiles aimed at Chernihiv, a large city near Kiev: 18 dead, 78 injured. And the tragedy is that these kinds of attacks happen almost every day in Ukraine. This is the reality we live in.

And while it is true that war consists of millions of details, the one and only issue on my agenda here at the G7 ministerial is air defense. And for obvious reasons, the role of the United States in the matter of air defense is essential. I would like to personally thank you, Secretary Blinken, for your leadership and your sincere commitment to helping Ukraine. Germany's recent decision to give Ukraine another Patriot battery, an American technology, is deeply appreciated, but we all remember that it would not have been possible without the support of the United States in making this decision.

So we will work here at the ministry to get other allies to send air defense systems to Ukraine, because it is of fundamental importance. And in this regard, I would also like to call on the members of the House to support the amendment that will literally, without exaggeration, help save Ukrainians from the massacres of Russian missiles. This is a matter of life and death for thousands of people, and in a broader sense, it is a matter of Ukraine's survival in this war against a much stronger enemy.

I don't think any other country in the world would be capable of fighting against Russia, a country of this size and influence and military potential. But with the support of our friends and first and foremost of the United States of America, we have proven that we can survive and we can defeat the strongest enemy. The main issue is the durability and stability of the support. It is about human lives, about the earth, but even more, it is about the future of the world we live in. Thank you.




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