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Trump uses trial break to lament Kimmel's month-old Oscars

Trump uses trial break to lament Kimmel's month-old Oscars


After two long days of napping in court and having to sit through mean memes, Donald Trump took to Truth Social to throw a tantrum. The former president once again took aim at late-night host Jimmy Kimmel, who on Tuesday criticized Trump for his clumsy attempt to pass off his alleged hush money payment to Stormy Daniels as a “legal expense.” and for his struggling Twitter copycat.

Trump revisited Kimmel's months-old joke about him during the Oscars (a highlight of the ceremony), while also confusing the comedian with Oscar-winning actor Al Pacino.

“Stupid Jimmy Kimmel, who still hasn't recovered from his horrible performance and massive ratings decline as Oscar host, especially when he was shown to be suffering from TDS, commonly known as ED SYNDROME. DISRUPTION OF TRUMP, to the world by reading on the air my TRUTH about the poor job he was doing that night, right before he tripped up announcing the biggest prize of all, “Photo of the Year”, blasted Trump on his social media platform.

The four-times indicted former president continued: “It was a CLASSIC CHOKE, one of the biggest ever seen in show business, and to top it all off, he forgot to say the famous and obligatory phrase 'AND THE WINNER IS'”. Instead, he stammered as he opened the envelope. Apparently his wife, and even management, begged him not to do it: “DON'T READ HIS TRUTH, JIMMY, PLEASE DON'T DO THIS,” they allegedly told him. He was made to look like a fool, which he is, and at the same time go down in television history as the worst host of all the once vaunted academy awards!

Unfortunately for Trump, it was actually Pacino who was tasked with announcing Best Picture and skipped the usual list of nominees to unceremoniously declare Oppenheimer the winner. (The Godfather actor later claimed that it was not his “intention to omit them, but rather a choice by the producers not to repeat them.”)

Trump, who has a history of mixing up people's identities, apparently can't let this moment pass, and has already complained about Kimmel's Oscar stunt long after the fact. As for the comedian, despite Trump's claims that Kimmel's career is deteriorating, it's quite the opposite. Kimmel finished the first month of 2024 with a seven-week ratings record while dominating as the most-watched late-night show in this key demographic, while this year's Kimmel-hosted Oscars attracted 19 .5 million viewers – the most for an awards show since 2020. Editor's Choice

On Jimmy Kimmel Live last night, Kimmel was delighted by the confusion. “It appears I have once again ruffled the feathers of our former Kentucky president, who is apparently, with everything going on, still uncomfortable with my joke about him at the Oscars,” said Kimmel.

After reading Trump's statement, Kimmel said he was impressed by the use of the vaunted word, but not the rest. “Not only is everything else wrong, but maybe we should be concerned that he was wrong,” Kimmel said. “Like maybe we should take Grandpa’s keys away wrongly.”

Kimmel then went through the statement line by line, breaking down each statement. “Don’t get me wrong, I wish I was Al Pacino,” he noted. “That’s simply not the case. It's Al Pacino. I am me. You'd think he would know because I'm pretty sure “Say hello to my boyfriend” is what he said to Stormy Daniels that got him in all this trouble.

He also echoed Will Smith's famous Oscars moment, adding: “By the way, keep my wife's name out of your fucking mouth.” Tendency

The late-night host noted that the controversy encouraged him to return to the Oscars stage. “That's probably why they asked me to host the show again next year,” Kimmel said. “Which I hadn't planned to do, but now I could.” Maybe, you know what, maybe you can watch on TV in the game room at Rikers with all the guys.

On The Late Show, Stephen Colbert supported Kimmel, also referencing Smith when he said, “You keep my friend Jimmy Kimmel's name out of your weird little wet mouth.” Jimmy Kimmel is my podcast brother from Strike Force Five and I have sworn to defend him until the day I die!




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