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China emphasizes data and Digital Silk Road in new plan to boost innovation as US technology competition intensifies

China emphasizes data and Digital Silk Road in new plan to boost innovation as US technology competition intensifies


The plan was announced by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the National Data Authority (NDA), excerpts of which were published on the NDA's WeChat account on Monday.

China's new data agency plans rapid response to powerful national computing network

The NDA is overseen by China's top economic planner, the NDRC, and was announced in October as Beijing sought to revitalize its flagging economy with innovation amid an intensifying competition for high-tech supremacy with the United States. It was launched. Data authorities will promote the digital transformation of industries, according to the work plan, improve the competitiveness of core industries, foster new business models, and strengthen protection against online security risks.

The plan also states that China will strengthen inter-ministerial coordination to strengthen oversight of the digital economy.

Another focus of NDA's efforts is to accelerate the sharing of public data between government departments and improve aged care, education, health and other services through better use of data. the report said.

Why China's new data agency has ambitions to develop digital economy and AI

In an article in last week's Communist Party theory journal Qizhi, NDA chief Liu Liehong made several strategic developments based on his insights into technological innovation trends, China's rejuvenation demands, and significant changes in the international environment. He praised Mr. Xi Jinping.

Focusing on digital innovation, Liu added that data commercialization and industrial digitization will create new space for China's economic development.

Liu said the Eastern Data-Western Computing project, launched in 2022 to address regional imbalances in digital resources, will expand computing capacity and improve efficiency in China's data centers. He pointed out that he did.

During a visit to the southwestern metropolis of Chongqing last week, Xi toured the Digital City Operation Center, which monitors emergencies and coordinates between city authorities. During his stay, he urged local authorities to scientifically design big data platforms and network systems to make better use of data and improve governance.

According to the Cyberspace Administration of China, China will generate more than 8.1 zettabytes of data in 2022, ranking second after the United States. The country also ranks second in overall computing capacity, which is particularly important for scientific research, data analysis, simulation and machine learning, which she aims to expand by 50% by 2025. Masu.

Chinese government promotes China-led Digital Silk Road initiative at Xi'an Forum

Wang Yong, vice-chairman of China's top political advisory body, speaking at the 2016 Digital Silk Road Development Forum, said that China is pursuing the Belt and Road Initiative, which aims to cooperate in areas ranging from e-commerce to digital infrastructure. It is said that it has entered into several strategic agreements with its members. Northwest of Xi'an City last week.

Launched in 2015, the Digital Silk Road aims to strengthen the digital connectivity of countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative, the Chinese government's strategy to improve trade and economic integration across Asia, Europe, Africa and South America. It is said that

Wang said China will work with these countries to develop an open and inclusive digital economy.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with Bolivian Foreign Minister Celinda Sosa Lunda in Beijing on Sunday, saying that the two countries will safeguard the common interests of the Global South and strengthen mutual political ties, while developing digital economy, information and communications, and other areas. He said that the possibility of cooperation in the field should be explored. trust.




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