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AUSC Region 5 declares April as the Month of Sports for Development and Peace

AUSC Region 5 declares April as the Month of Sports for Development and Peace


The landmark decision of the African Union Sports Council (AUSC) has been announced in favor of promoting peaceful and more inclusive societies.

AUSC Region 5 has dedicated the month of April as the month of Sports for Development and Peace. This landmark decision was made to raise awareness of commemorating the power of sport to promote peaceful and inclusive societies, in support of the United Nations declaring April 6 as the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (IDSDP). This year's United Nations IDSDP theme was Promoting Sport for Peaceful and Inclusive Societies.

As part of the activities commemorating IDSDP, Region 5 had various activities including radio and television interviews. In addition, and to conclude the month-long commemoration, Region 5 organized a Sport for Development Stakeholders Workshop at the University of Botswana on Saturday, April 20, 2024. The theme for this year's stakeholder workshop was: Towards a more peaceful and inclusive region: what role can sport play?

The workshop was held to explain how key stakeholders can effectively use sport to drive social change and community development and to promote peace and understanding within societies.

According to the UN, the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace provides an opportunity to recognize the role that sport and physical activity play in communities and in the lives of people around the world.

AUSC Region 5 recognizes the power of sport to positively transform societies. Region 5 further recognizes and promotes sport as a fundamental right and a powerful tool to strengthen social bonds, sustainable development and peace, as well as solidarity and respect for all. The 2024 Stakeholder Workshop was therefore organized to establish a dialogue on ways to effectively use sport as a tool for social development and cohesion.

The workshop was officially opened by the Deputy Permanent Secretary (DPS) of the Botswana Ministry of Youth, Gender, Sports and Culture (MYGSC), Mr Tshepo Maphuting, on behalf of the Permanent Secretary. Mr Maphuting commended the efforts of Region 5 to seek collective interventions to promote sustainable peace and development through sports in the region. He emphasized the need for the region to boost its efforts to create a better society for future generations.

At the same workshop, the CEO of Region 5, Mr Staney Mutoya, challenged stakeholders and Member States to do more in using sport as a solution to African challenges. He noted that peace in the context of Region 5 was not the absence of guns and gunfire, but increased poverty, unemployment, drug and substance abuse, juvenile delinquency, climate change, gender inequality and non-accidental aggression, all of which posed serious threats for society. the peace and harmony and economic development of the region.

The hybrid workshop was attended by over 30 sports administrators, students and athletes drawn from Ministries, Member States of Region 5, the Association of International Sport For All (TAFISA), Botswana National Sports Commission (BNSC), Botswana National Olympic Committee (BNOC), Women and Sports Botswana (WASBO), Regional

Confederations, National Federations and the University of Botswana. Presenters included Mr Allan Williams, Executive Director of the Sport for Social Change Network (SSCN) and Stanley Mutoya, CEO of Region 5.

One of the activities during the workshop was a panel discussion on the role of stakeholders in promoting sports for a peaceful and inclusive region. Panellists included Ms Keenese Katisenge-Tizhani, TAFISA Vice President Africa, Region 5 CEO, Stanley Mutoya and Allan Williams, Executive Director at SSCN. Others included the Chairman of the Region 5 Sports for People with Disabilities (SPWD), University of Botswana Senior Lecturer James Chiutsi, Prof. Tshepang Tshube and Dineo Mogapi of BNOC.

After the panel discussion, the audience had the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback. Impressively, participants' responses added value to the workshop and addressed some of the challenges the region continues to face in the sport for development sector.

The workshop ended on a positive note with a plenary discussion in which participants openly discussed key interventions and risks for the effective implementation of sport for development programs.

Earlier this month, the Region began commemorating IDSDP by issuing a statement through the CEO and delivered through the official Facebook page. Furthermore, the CEO appeared for a TV interview on Botswana Television where he outlined the region's sport for development programs and interventions.

Throughout the month of April, the region posted on social media to raise awareness of the need to promote peace and inclusivity across the region and beyond.




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