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Models Dress to Impress at WRI's Trashion Show

Models Dress to Impress at WRI's Trashion Show


Ward Media Reporter

LEAVENWORTH — Using trash as a medium, seventeen teams showcased their best art and fashion skills at the Wenatchee River Institute's third annual Trashion Show on April 19.

Each year, the fashion show attracts large crowds of viewers who see models strutting down the grassy runway in trash transformed into complete, wearable fashion pieces. In addition to creating an outfit, teams must also come up with a factoid and message about the need to better manage the planet, in honor of Earth Day.

Models wore dresses made from Amazon packaging, coffee filters and cans. Others used more unconventional materials, like creating a cape out of cat food containers or making hats out of milk cartons and pool noodles. Every outfit was made to impress, but only a few took home the prize.

The Willards won first place in the family category for “Bride of the Sea,” in which model Sola Willard wore her 51-year-old grandmother's wedding dress, covered in common plastics found throughout the ocean .

“She’s the bride of the sea who fell off a garbage barge and she picked up all this trash. It’s more trash than sea creatures,” said Teri, her grandmother and artist.

“School Style,” a dress made from homework, won first place in the youth category. A plastic water bottle outfit titled “Dark Floral” won first place in the high school category. The first winner in the adult category created wings made from plastic bags and cardboard, with paper claws, calling the piece “Trash Dragon.”

The “Renew-derhosen” team received the coveted People's Choice Award and wowed the audience with a May Fest-themed duet. Model Aria Knutson sported a dirndl made from old curtains and retired climbing rope, holding a homemade maibaum, or maypole. Accompanying Knutson was a boy in leather pants made of cork, suspenders made from raffle tickets and a homemade accordion as a prop. The two men stopped halfway down the floor to do the traditional Mai festival dance.

Taylor Caldwell: 509-433-7276 or [email protected]




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