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NHS Warning Against Increased UK Covid Patients Using Ventilator | Coronavirus

NHS Warning Against Increased UK Covid Patients Using Ventilator | Coronavirus


The NHS boss warned the number of people using ventilators in British hospitals. This has increased over the past week.

Saffron Cordery, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the NHS provider, said last week that the number of Covid patients hospitalized in ventilated beds increased by 41%. Up to 227She said it is a strong indication that Covid is influencing medical services.

Cordery told BBC Breakfast: “Frontline trust is under really great pressure … they are planning to tackle the untreated portion, but it’s really a challenge as more Covid cases and the growing demand for emergency care. Is the target. “

According to Cordery, NHS leaders are already concerned that Covid’s surge could collide with other winter illnesses such as influenza and respiratory viruses later this year, creating “significant challenges” for the healthcare system. It is said that it is doing.

“I think we need to look at this sudden increase in demand for emergency medical care, so we know that demand for that kind of medical care is at record levels,” she added.

The numbers are well below the peak of 4,077 on January 24, approaching the levels seen at the end of April. According to the latest data available, the number of hospitalized patients was 1,378, similar to early May, while the daily total for new cases was 11,625, last seen in mid-February.

However, official data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on Tuesday show that the number of deaths from influenza and pneumonia is now high. 10 times more than Covid..

Professor Neil Ferguson, an epidemiologist at Imperial College London, talked about the BBC Radio 4 Today program, saying that despite the growing number of cases, this data and other surveillance data are “promising.” It was. The low hospitalization and mortality rates compared to the number of cases proves the high effectiveness of the vaccine in protecting people from serious illness, he said.

“It is clear that two doses of AstraZeneca, Moderna, or Pfizer provide a high level of protection against serious illness. People are still infected, but at much lower levels, The combined effect of it is very dramatic in reducing risk, perhaps because infection alone provides 80-90% protection, and even people infected after two doses are probably 50% less infected. ” Said.

He added that the prevalence of delta mutants was particularly concentrated in the unvaccinated group, including school-age children. “Unfortunately, the situation will continue for a few more weeks before we pass the third wave, which will unfold in the next few months,” he said. ..

Medical services are “potentially A fairly serious influenza pandemicLater this year, as social distance measurements around the world pushed it to unusually low levels last year. He said this could be countered by vaccination against seasonal flu.

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