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New study shows link between Parkinson’s disease and exposure to McIntyre powder


A new study from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board found a link between the development of Parkinson’s disease and exposure to McIntyre powder, a type of aluminum dust.

It’s a sequel.
The news was a big win for Janice Martell, the founder of the McIntyre Powder Project. The McIntyre Powder Project has been working on establishing a link since the project was established in 2015.

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“Finding this was a very different combination of emotions,” said father Jim Hobbs, Martell, a hard rock miner who died of Parkinson’s disease in 2017.

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“If Dad hadn’t been in the mine, he wouldn’t have suffered from Parkinson’s disease, nor would he have it. Tell me, and that part is difficult.”

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The WSIB study was conducted by Dr. Paul Demers of the Occupational Cancer Research Center. Miners exposed to McIntyre powder showed a statistically significant increased risk of Parkinson’s disease compared to miners not exposed to dust.

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This study utilized a mining master file and used anonymous historical records to identify who was exposed to the dust. These files were linked to state health records.

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“We collaborated with Dr. Demars at the Ontario Research Cancer Center to compile this study into an accurate mining master file and anonymize it with the actual health results of people,” Aaron Lazarus said. .. -WSIB Communications President.

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Mr Martell said the news has been around for a while.

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“That’s my life. It’s all about what I’ve been focusing on for at least the last six years, taking time out of my family and friends.”

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According to Lazarus, the WSIB already has a number of claims relating to McIntyre Powder, either undecided or tentative until the outcome of the investigation.

It’s a sequel.
“We will respond to these claims as quickly as possible to address these claims,” ​​he said. “Use these new information and evidence, one at a time (think them), to make decisions about these claims and then use those decisions to return to their families as soon as possible.”

It’s a sequel.
Martell doesn’t expect to slow down any time soon. With miners exposed all over the world, she wants to confirm that the results of this study are widely known.

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“It was used in the United States and in dozens and dozens of mills containing silica dust, exposing workers at various workplaces in western Canada,” she said.

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However, researchers have been unable to find an association between exposure to McIntyre powder and other neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. Martell said further research needs to be done on other potential impacts.

It’s a sequel.
“This study looked only at neurological disorders,” she said. “I have people in the registry with high respiratory conditions-cancer, cardiovascular, some autoimmune things, sarcoidosis, etc.-and this same study to link the data See if there is a high rate of miners or McIntyre miners that should do the same. “

It’s a sequel.
Martell is discouraged but cannot share news with his father, but is proud of his legacy surviving.

It’s a sequel.
“Dad, he always helped me,” she said. “If someone needs to build a hut or do something like that, he will lend a hand.

It’s a sequel.
“And after his death, he was courageous to tell his story and left me this project in his name, so he will help many families.”

It’s a sequel.
Anyone who may have been, or who knows, has been in contact with McIntyre Powder is encouraged to contact WSIB to see if they need to file a claim. ..


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