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Breast-fed babies have low blood pressure

Breast-fed babies have low blood pressure


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According to experts, even babies who are breastfed for only a few days can benefit. Aks Huckleberry / 500px / Getty Images
  • According to researchers, babies who are breastfed for a short period of time have low blood pressure and good heart health.
  • According to experts, this is because breast milk contains hormones and is ready to improve long-term health.
  • Authorities recommend that babies should be breast-fed until they are six months old, during which time only one in four babies will be breast-fed.

Babies who are breastfed for a long time have low blood pressure at the age of three.

That is the conclusion Research It was announced today in the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA), which analyzed data from more than 2,000 children to determine the relationship between breastfeeding and blood pressure.

“Children who have been breastfed have been observed to have lower blood pressure at age 3 even with a short period of limited breastfeeding early in the first few days of life,” the study authors said. writing.

“The clinical relevance of these associations has not yet been determined, but these early differences in blood pressure can later lead to a significant reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease. [in] Savings on life and related medical costs, “the author added.

Of the 2,382 children surveyed, 49 were not breast-fed, while 98 were breast-fed only during their childhood hospitalization.

At the age of three, researchers found that children who had never been breastfed had high blood pressure. People who were breastfed only in the first few days of life had lower blood pressure than their non-breastfed companions.

Dr. Susan CrowA clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Stanford University in California said it was not surprising that babies who were breastfed for only a few days would benefit from lower blood pressure later in life.

“The first milk, the first milk, is rich in active hormones that can have long-term healthy consequences. This study has something important for the first milk, postnatal. It suggests that even if it is consumed only in the early stages of the disease, it can have an impact, “Crowe told Healthline.

“Original milk is a concentrated milk that contains bioactive compounds such as growth factors, stem cells, and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids that affect the microbiome, affect the vascular endothelium, and lead to healthier cardiovascular outcomes. We know that it will pave the way for us, “she says. Added.

by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Breastfeeding can bring a variety of health benefits to both babies and mothers.

Breast-fed infants have a lower risk of obesity, asthma, sudden infant death syndrome, type 1 diabetes, severe lower respiratory tract disease, gastrointestinal infections, ear infections, and necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants. ..

Breastfeeding is also beneficial to mothers. Breastfeeding mothers have an reduced risk of breast and ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure.

The CDC recommends that babies be breastfed only up to 6 months of age, 1 in 4 Infants in the United States are exclusively breast-fed during that time.

Low breastfeeding accounts for more than $ 3 billion annually in medical care for mothers and children in the United States.

about 60 percent Some American mothers stop breastfeeding sooner than planned.

Researchers in the JAHA study said their findings underscore the importance of proper postnatal breastfeeding support for mothers.

“Our findings have a potentially significant impact on health care practices and policies. They provide prenatal education and immediate breastfeeding support to facilitate the initiation of breastfeeding and the supply of first milk. We emphasize the importance of this, “the researchers write.

“These are hospitals that implement cost-control strategies that can prevent the start of breastfeeding, such as early postpartum discharge (often less than 24 hours after delivery) and the abolition of breastfeeding support services in postpartum units. Our results suggest that the short-term savings of these practices can significantly outweigh the long-term costs of later cardiovascular health problems. “They added.

Crow said mothers should seek help if they are having difficulty breastfeeding.

“If you’re currently struggling to establish or continue breastfeeding, it’s a good idea to seek the support of a breastfeeding professional who can help you overcome the hurdles and help you reach your breastfeeding goals,” she says. I did.

“As we learn more about the complexity of breastfeeding, we find that breastfeeding can have a significant impact on the long-term health of the population,” she added.





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