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“You are not a cow.” Experts urge islanders not to use ivermectin to treat COVID.


Waimea hospitals warn Big Islanders not to use products containing the antiparasitic drug ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19.

Queen’s North Hawaii Community Hospital issued a statement on Friday following the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the CDC reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that ivermectin-related human exposure and adverse effects were reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Increased in 2021 compared to pre-pandemic baseline. These reports include increased use of veterinary products not intended to be consumed by humans. I am. “

“Our Waimea community is known for its ranch and agriculture. As a result, ivermectin is found in many homes as a worm-eaten for horses and other livestock,” said hospital president Cindy Kamakawa. I did. “We want to make sure that our community is aware of the dangers of taking products that have not been proven to prevent or treat COVID-19.”

Ivermectin, like last year’s hydroxychloroquine, has recently been in the news as a measure to prevent or cure the disease. Arkansas doctors are investigating county prison inmates with ivermectin by the state’s medical committee.

In addition, the Maui Group, which calls itself the Pono Union for Informed Consent,, along with pediatric cardiologist Dr. Kirkmil Juan (also the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel South Maui), has added ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to COVID-19. Early treatment “protocol.

“I would like to clarify that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin should not be used to treat COVID-19,” said Dr. Elizabeth Char, director of state health, earlier this week. “Taking large amounts of unprescribed ivermectin or animal doses can cause serious harm.”

Char also accused the group of “… disseminating false information about life-saving vaccines.”

The novel coronavirus delta mutant surged cases of COVID-19, primarily among unvaccinated patients. On Friday, there were 1,035 new cases across the state and 184 new cases on the Big Island, both of which were record highs.

“The tragedy of this spike is that it is generally preventable,” Char said. “We have a vaccine that saves the lives of Hawaiians.”

“I got a lot of calls. I’m dealing with a crowd of livestock … but science isn’t there,” said Tim Richards, a member of the Council and a Waimea veterinarian, regarding ivermectin and COVID-19. Said.

“It’s not an antiviral drug. There’s no evidence that it is,” Richards said. “And none of the suppliers I know have done anything like that. But in the store, I did see the label” This is not an antiviral drug. ” .. Also, since we are dealing with large animals, the concentration of livestock is quite high, so we are very worried about toxicity. And if you try to use something like this, you will probably overdose.

“It’s not safe, and that’s the problem.”

Another Waimea veterinarian, Lisa Wood, said ivermectin was “not a prescription drug.”

“People can buy it at feed stores. This is a commonly used anthelmintic for large animals. But people say it can be very deadly. I think it’s important to know, “Wood said. “I haven’t used it for antiviral effects, etc. I certainly don’t recommend people to use it at all.

“There is a lot of good information about what you can do to control COVID and you need to follow those recommendations. But I did not self-medicate with ivermectin.”

According to the CDC, the clinical effects of overdose of ivermectin include gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Overdose is associated with very low blood pressure and neurological effects such as loss of consciousness, confusion, hallucinations, seizures, coma, and death.

Reported cases include a Mississippi man who was hospitalized after taking ivermectin. The state’s health department issued a warning on August 20, and the Mississippi Poison Control Center received more and more calls from individuals who may be exposed to ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19 infection. “I have.”

In Texas, ivermectin sales surged, with calls to poison control centers in Lone Star more than five-fold.

The US Food and Drug Administration warns that “ivermectin has not been approved for the treatment or prevention of human COVID-19.”

A tweet from the FDA on August 21st said: You are not a cow. Seriously, everything. Stop. “

“We are at stake,” Char said. “COVID-19 will continue to kill us until we do the right thing and get behind the vaccination.”

“Using ivermectin is not the way to go. It’s not an antiviral. It doesn’t do what people say. It’s dangerous,” Richards added. “Please get vaccinated.”

Wood said he believes self-medication people are acting out of fear.

“It’s scary, and I think they’re willing to take more risks as people become more worried and desperate,” she said. “And the biggest risk is not getting vaccinated.

“Go get the vaccination.”

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