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Covid 19 Australia: Increasing outbreaks in New South Wales and Victoria.Queensland dodges the blockade

Covid 19 Australia: Increasing outbreaks in New South Wales and Victoria.Queensland dodges the blockade


Prime Minister Gladys Berejikrian announced 1262 locally transmitted cases of Covid-19 and seven deaths during the last of her daily coronavirus media conference.Video / Sky News Australia

New South Wales has reported 1262 new local cases of Covid-19.

NSW Health also reported seven Covid-related deaths, including a man in his twenties, a woman in his forties, and two in his fifties. The death toll at the time of the outbreak is currently 177.

Currently, there are 1,206 cases admitted to New South Wales hospitals and 220 in the intensive care unit, 92 of whom require ventilation.

There were 27,114 vaccines given yesterday by NSW Health. Of the eligible population in New South Wales, 45.6% are fully vaccinated and 78% are first vaccinated.

New South Wales Prime Minister Gladys Beregikrian warned that the next few months would be the worst thing the state has ever faced.

“The next two months will probably be the most challenging thing our state has ever seen,” she told reporters today. “And we need to make sure we’re making decisions next week and next month, not just the next day, and that the whole government is prepared for what the next few months will bring to us. It is very important to confirm. “

NSW Prime Minister Gladys Beregikrian warns that the worst isn't coming yet.Photo / Getty Images
NSW Prime Minister Gladys Beregikrian warns that the worst isn’t coming yet.Photo / Getty Images

On Saturday, social media users lamented the “incredible” scene on Sydney’s beaches. Thousands of people flocked there to sunbathe, despite the record number of cases.

In a Facebook post, the Woolala Council confirmed that Red Leaf Beach and Camp Cove had “reached capacity by 11:30 am, which means that access will be’restricted’for the rest of the day. ..

“Choose another time or place to visit,” the post read. “The health of our community is important and our beaches and parks are monitored in spring and summer to avoid overcrowding.”

Health Minister Brad Hazard of New South Wales was asked on Saturday if many people were worried about going to the beach on weekends due to the warm climate, raising concerns about unvaccinated people. Said.

“I think we know that fresh air is the safest place at the moment,” he told reporters.

“But I want to tell people on the go to keep your social distance and pay attention … In general, people are really, really good. It’s a very safe place.”


Victoria recorded an additional 392 new local cases of Covid-19 on Sunday morning as the state’s vaccination coverage increased.

So far, only 107 cases have been associated with existing outbreaks, suggesting that contact tracers are struggling to keep up with the surge.

On Saturday, more than 36,000 vaccines were given and 48,063 tests were performed. As of Sunday morning, 65% of eligible Victorian people were initially vaccinated and 45% were fully vaccinated.

Sunday figures tell The Age that epidemiologist Professor Catherine Bennett is accelerating the high number of cases in Victoria faster than in New South Wales due to “blockage fatigue and slow vaccination.” Comes from

“Victoria brought in a sledgehammer, but it still didn’t work,” Bennett said. “Every time my partner came back from exercise or biking, he said he saw 40 people without masks and 20 people with masks, so even early in this blockade, soon. There is a feeling that it looked like the end. Of the last big blockade. “

Victorian police confront protesters against the blockade at Melbourne CBD last month.Photo / Getty Images
Victorian police confront protesters against the blockade at Melbourne CBD last month.Photo / Getty Images

New Zealand was at a crossroads, with ACT blocked in one proceeding and still struggling to control its outbreak, Bennett said.

“Unless you get absolute approval [with compliance]Good luck on your part, small enough, tight enough spread of community infections you can contain, and because vaccines work everywhere, it’s all about vaccines, “she said.

Residents of Melbourne are not informed of the end date of the current blockade, but locals in Victoria (except Shepparton) are enjoying their first free weekend after being released from the blockade.

However, Ballarat residents are very cautious after Covid-19 debris was found in the wastewater.


In southeastern Queensland, no new cases were recorded overnight, avoiding re-blocking.

Prime Minister Anastasia Parasek said the infection was “contained in the family” after a 13-year-old student tested positive on Friday morning. By Saturday, all five members of the family had tested positive.

The source of the infection is still unknown, but St. Thomas More College in Sunnybank, southern Brisbane, was closed on Friday and students were infected at school three days a week.

Deputy Prime Minister Steven Miles thanked the Queenslanders for doing the right thing and said the area could “sigh of relief.”

“We haven’t left the forest yet,” he said. “But this is the best result we could have expected at this point in the outbreak.”





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