It’s time to get a flu shot
As the number of cases of coronavirus increased last fall and the world wanted a vaccine, health experts feared that the combination of influenza and Covid-19 could lead to a catastrophic “cold.” rice field.
Pandemic measures seemed to keep the flu away, but experts are still concerned this year. This is especially true for some national and state authorities. roll back Blocking rules.. Many officials and experts urge the general public to: Do not deny the risk of influenza and seek an influenza vaccine.
Dr. William Schaffner, Medical Director of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, said: “It can further strain the already abnormally stretched, tense and bone-tired health care system.”
U.S. is working on average Over 160,000 new The case of coronavirus is one day.Hospitals and intensive care units Covid-19 full of patients.. At the same time, mask obligations and social distance have been relaxed in some places. This means that infectious respiratory diseases can spread more easily than last year.
Dr. Schaffner warned that healthcare providers need to remind people about the flu. “I have to say,’There is another nasty respiratory virus, don’t blow it away.'”
This flu season is different.
Influenza activity is significant in the United States Lower during the 2020-21 season This is the first season in which data has been released, at least during the previous flu season since 1997.
Scientists said pandemic prophylaxis was most likely to have played a role, as many people adopted masking, social distance, and hand-washing habits.
Dr. Patrick Jackson, an infectious disease expert at the University of Virginia, said: “The willingness of people to wear masks and wash their hands regularly may help us move forward, and we really hope it becomes a story.”
Experts hope that these actions will be carried over to the next flu season, especially as more people return to public transport, restaurants, schools and offices.
But with the United States number of other Country that is Unification of ways to confront a pandemic, And some people stopped taking those precautions.
That can mean an additional burden for the hospital Already dealing with many Of Covid patients.
“Given our politics, the Covid / flu surge will be unevenly distributed in the medical system,” said Dr. Jackson.
Who should get the flu vaccine when?
The relatively low number of cases of influenza in the last 18 months may mean that population-level immunity to influenza is lower than this season, he said. Lynnette Brammer, Leader of the CDC’s National Influenza Monitoring Team.
And while it’s not yet clear how the seasons unfold, mitigation of pandemic measures in some places “is likely to lead to a resumption of the flu season cycle,” she said. I added.
“All this could prepare us for a potentially serious flu season,” she added.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the season begins in October Can last until May.. In the Southern Hemisphere, it usually occurs from April to September.
The CDC advises everyone over 6 months of age to take shots. With a few exceptions.. Vaccination is especially important for some groups of people, including people with underlying health, the elderly, and toddlers, Brammer said.
Experts recommend vaccination from September to the end of October, as it takes about two weeks after vaccination to be effective, but it is better to be vaccinated after that. ..
Even those who were vaccinated against the flu last year will need another vaccine this year, as the virus mutates and requires a new vaccine each year, they said.for Any season, Vaccine Tailored to order For influenza virus types — there are many — Circulating or most likely circulating Circulation..
Do I still need the flu vaccine if I have been vaccinated with Covid?
Yes, one does not protect from the other. Vaccines are intended to target specific viruses. Influenza vaccines target the influenza virus, just as the Covid-19 vaccine is manufactured for the coronavirus.
This means that some people have taken early and booster shots of the coronavirus and will be vaccinated against the flu this year.
“There is a feeling of vaccine fatigue there,” said Dr. Schaffner. “But when we’re backing, we’ll have to tell people,’Oh, you need something else.’
Can I get the flu vaccine and the Covid vaccine on the same visit?
Yes. CDC says the vaccine may be Be administered Regardless of the timing of other vaccines.
According to the CDC, the side effects of the vaccines given at the same time and alone are generally similar.
“Not only is it possible, but it is highly recommended to be vaccinated against both influenza and Covid,” said Dr. Kevin Ban, Chief Medical Officer at Walgreens.
Vaccines received at the same time do not cause a cumulative response, Dr. LJ Tan, Chief Policy and Partnership Officer of the Coalition for Immunization Action, said in an interview. “I’m not adding it.”
He said the general reaction to the flu vaccine could be arm pain and some people could get a little tired.
When vaccinated against influenza and the Covid-19 vaccine at the same time, experts recommend using different arms to avoid pain, or at least spacing the injection sites at each injection site. At least 1 inch.
Understand Vaccine and Mask Obligations in the United States
- Vaccine rules.. August 23, Food and Drug Administration Fully approved by Pfizer-BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine For people over the age of 16, it paves the way for increased obligations in both the public and private sectors.Private companies Increasingly obligatory vaccines For employees.Such a mission Legally permitted And it has been upheld by court complaints.
- Mask rule.. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in July Recommended All Americans wear masks in indoor public places within the area of ​​the outbreak, regardless of vaccination status. This is the reverse of the guidance provided in May. Find out where CDC guidance applies, And where The state has its own mask policy.. The battle for masks is controversial in some states. Local leaders against state bans..
- University. More than 400 universities require students to be vaccinated with Covid-19. Almost everything is in the states that voted for President Biden..
- school..both California When New York City Introduced vaccine obligations to education staff. According to a survey released in August, many American parents with school-age children I’m against the vaccines that students are required to do, More supportive mask obligations for students, teachers and staff who do not have shots.
- Hospitals and medical centers.. Many hospitals and major healthcare systems require employees to be vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine. It cites an increase in the number of cases caused by Delta variants and a stubbornly low immunization rate in their community, even within their workforce.
- New York City..Workers and customers need vaccination proof Indoor dining, gym, performance And other indoor situations. However, enforcement will not begin until September 13. Teachers and other educational workers The city’s vast school system requires at least one vaccination by September 27, without the option of weekly testing. Municipal hospital workers You will also need to be vaccinated or have a weekly test. Employees in New York have similar rules.
- At the federal level. The Pentagon has announced that it will mandate the country’s coronavirus vaccination. 1.3 million active troops “At the latest” by mid-September.President Biden announced: All private federal officials need to do it Get vaccinated against coronavirus Or submit regular tests, social distances, mask requirements and restrictions on most trips.
Is it possible to catch influenza and Covid at the same time?
Yes.The same is true for influenza, Covid-19 and other respiratory illnesses. Symptoms, Cough, fever, body aches, etc. Only a test can determine which virus a patient has, or whether a patient has both.
Different tests are used for each, and identifying the differences is essential to treatment. Influenza has antiviral therapy, and some patients with Covid-19 are receiving monoclonal antibody therapy.
“This year, doctors need to do far more tests than ever before,” said Dr. Schaffner. “It’s important to know who has what.”
How about children and pregnant women?
CDC Influenza killed 12,000 to 61,000 people People from 2010 to 1 year. (that’s all 650,000 people died It is related to the coronavirus pandemic in the United States. )
According to the report, about 80 percent of children who died of the flu in the last few years have not been vaccinated. Studies cited this week According to the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Influenza has the ability to “take a perfectly normal child into the emergency room within 48 hours,” Dr. Schaffner said. He said the children died of the flu when they had sepsis or pneumonia.
He said a major factor in the low flu numbers last season was children attending school in remote areas and avoiding groups.
“Children are really great spreaders of the flu virus,” said Dr. Schaffner. “They release more virus than adults and release the virus for a longer period of time. They spread it among them and then take it home.”
Many children are returning to face-to-face learning this year, some of them You don’t have to wear a mask.
Even if a child who has not been vaccinated against the flu gets the flu Get vaccinated when they recover.. Experts added that children infected with Covid-19 should not be vaccinated against the flu until they recover.
They also recommend that pregnant women be vaccinated against the flu because its protection passes through the placenta.
How is the flu treated?
Antibiotics are not effective against the flu, but antiviral drugs can relieve symptoms. Ideally, it should be administered within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms. People with the flu need to take a break and drink plenty of water, most of whom recover within a week.
Where can I get the vaccine?
Pharmacies such as Walgreens and CVS, and Walmart We provide free flu shots.There is a mobile app for making reservations and online Vaccination finder.
Public health officials and experts have said that vaccination is very important as it reduces the likelihood of severe and sometimes fatal illness.
“It can’t be shut off like a lamp switch,” said Dr. Schaffner. “But you can darken it.”
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