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Dispersing disinfectants can be “harmful” according to WHO


As a precaution against the coronavirus in Colombo, Sri Lanka on May 10, 2020, firefighters will disinfect the road with a disinfectant.

It’s a sequel.
As a precaution against the coronavirus in Colombo, Sri Lanka on May 10, 2020, firefighters will disinfect the road with a disinfectant.

Geneva: As practiced in some countries, spraying disinfectants on the streets does not eliminate the new coronavirus and even poses a health risk, the World Health Organization warned on Saturday.

In a document on cleaning and disinfecting surfaces as part of dealing with viruses, WHO states that spraying may not be effective.

“It is not advisable to spray or fumigate outdoor spaces such as streets or markets to kill Covid-19 viruses and other pathogens, as the disinfectants are inactivated by dust and debris,” said WHO. Explaining.

“Even in the absence of organics, chemical sprays are unlikely to adequately cover all surfaces for the required contact time needed to inactivate pathogens.”

The WHO said streets and pavements were not considered COVID-19’s “infectious reservoirs,” and disinfectant spraying could be “dangerous to human health,” even externally. I added.

This document also emphasizes that disinfectant application to individuals is “not recommended in any circumstance”.

“This can be physically and psychologically harmful and will not reduce the infected person’s ability to spread the virus by splashing or contacting,” the document said.

Spraying people with chlorine and other toxic chemicals can cause eye and skin irritation, bronchospasm, and gastrointestinal effects.

Tissues have also warned disinfectants from being systematically sprayed and fumigated onto the surfaces of indoor spaces, and have been shown to be ineffective outside direct spray areas.

“If a disinfectant is applied, this should be done with a cloth or wipe wiped with the disinfectant,” it says.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus is the cause of a pandemic that has killed more than 300,000 people worldwide since its emergence in China in late December, and can attach to surfaces and objects.

However, no exact information is currently available on how long the virus remains infectious on various surfaces.

Studies show that viruses can stay on several types of surfaces for days. However, these maximum durations are theoretical, recorded under laboratory conditions, and need to be “interpreted carefully” in a real environment.

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