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Received two Nobel Prizes in Medicine for showing how we react to heat

Received two Nobel Prizes in Medicine for showing how we react to heat


Stockholm (AP)

Two scientists won the Nobel Prize in Medicine on Monday. The discovery of how the human body perceives temperature and touch has led to discoveries that could lead to new ways to treat pain and heart disease.

Americans David Julius and Aldem Patapoutian have identified receptors on the skin that respond to heat and pressure. Their work focuses on the field of somatosensory, which explores the ability of specialized organs such as the eyes, ears, and skin to see, hear, and feel.

“This really unleashes one of the secrets of nature,” Nobel Committee Secretary-General Thomas Pearlman said in announcing the winners. “It’s a very important and profound discovery because it’s really important to our survival.”

Julius, who was born in New York and currently works at the University of California, San Francisco, has identified a neural sensor that allows the skin to respond to heat using capsaicin, the active ingredient in chili peppers, according to the committee.

Patapoutian, who was born in Lebanon and currently works at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, said he discovered a separate pressure-sensitive sensor inside cells that responded to mechanical stimuli.

“In our daily lives, we take these sensations (temperature and tactile sensations) for granted, but how are nerve impulses initiated so that we can perceive temperature and pressure?” I wrote in the announcement. “This question was solved by this year’s Nobel laureates.”

Prior to Monday’s announcement, Pearlman said he managed to get both winners who shared the prestigious Kavli Neuroscience Award last year.

“I (…) only had a few minutes to talk to them, but they were incredibly happy,” he said. “And as far as I know, they may have been very surprised and a little shocked.”

Oscarmarin, director of the MRC Neurodevelopmental Disorders Center at King’s College, said Julius, 65, and Patapoutian’s choices are about how our bodies perceive the outside world before they are discovered. He emphasized how much one knows and how much he still has to learn. London.

“We understood the physiology of the senses, but what we didn’t understand was how we felt the difference in temperature and pressure,” Marin said. “It’s basic to know how our body perceives these changes, because knowing those molecules allows us to target them. It’s like finding a lock. , I now know the exact key needed to unlock. “

Marin said the discovery opened up “the whole field of pharmacology” and researchers are working on drugs that target the receptors they have already identified.

Marin predicted that new treatments for pain are likely to come first, but if scientists can understand how to relieve pressure on blood vessels and other organs, how the body can detect changes in pressure. Knowing can ultimately lead to heart disease medications.

Last year’s award was given to three scientists who discovered the hepatitis C virus, which destroys the liver. This is a breakthrough event that will lead to the treatment of a fatal illness and is a test to prevent the spread of tragedy to blood banks.

The prestigious award comes with a gold medal and SEK 10 million (over $ 1.14 million). The prize is a bequest left by the Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel, the creator of the award, which died in 1895.

This award will be presented for the first time this year. Other awards are for outstanding achievements in the fields of physics, chemistry, literature, peace and economics.


Jordan reported from Berlin.




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