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Valuations, risk factors and recommendations

Valuations, risk factors and recommendations


Breast cancer occurs when breast cells begin to grow and divide out of control. With the exception of some types of skin cancer, it is the most common cancer affecting women in the United States.

according to American Cancer Society (ACS)The average lifetime risk for women who develop breast cancer is about 13 percent. This is one-eighth chance of getting breast cancer.

However, for some people, the risk of breast cancer is increased. These individuals are said to be at high risk for breast cancer.

Learn what it means to be at high risk for breast cancer, what are the high-risk factors, and recommendations for early detection of cancer in high-risk people.

Currently, there is no standardized approach to assessing an individual’s breast cancer risk. However, there are some tools that can help doctors identify people at high risk for breast cancer.

Breast cancer risk assessment tools are largely based on individual and family medical history. However, other factors are also taken into account. Here are some examples of commonly used tools:

  • Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool (BCRAT), also known as Gail Model
  • International Breast Cancer Intervention Study (IBIS) Risk Calculator, also known as the Tyrer-Cuzick Model
  • Claus model based on cancer and steroid hormone research

Risk assessment tools provide a variety of measurements. These include 5-year risk, 10-year risk, and lifetime risk.

What is considered high risk may vary from place to place. In the United States, people at risk of an estimated 5 years 1.67% or more It is usually considered high risk.

Doctors consider several factors to determine if they are at high risk for breast cancer. With the exception of pregnancy history and radiation exposure, all these factors are something you cannot change:

  • Family history: The risk is high if you have one or more close relatives, such as parents, siblings, or children with breast cancer.
  • Genetics: Inherited Genetic mutation Those related to familial cancer syndrome, especially BRCA1 Also BRCA2, Greatly increases the risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Year: The risk of breast cancer increases with age.
  • Personal education: A personal history of a particular breast condition increases the risk of breast cancer. These include:
  • Menstruation and pregnancy history: Starting menstruation at an early age, menopause later, and having no children are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
  • Breast density: have Rich breasts Mammograms increase the risk of breast cancer.
  • Radiation exposure: If you receive Radiation therapy Breast cancer between the ages of 10 and 30 is at increased risk of breast cancer.

Keep in mind that there is no standardized way to determine the risk of breast cancer. Breast cancer risk assessment tools are important in helping to estimate risk, but they usually do not take into account all of the above factors.

For example, the BCRAT tool requires information about age, family history of breast cancer, menstrual history and pregnancy history. However, we do not use information about genetics, personal history of breast condition, or radiation exposure.

Therefore, in addition to the results of one or more risk assessment tools, doctors will better assess breast cancer risk by assessing other details from your personal history, family history, and lifestyle.

People at high risk for breast cancer can benefit from additional monitoring or screening. This helps in early detection and treatment of breast cancer.

Doctors can also postpone screening tests to six months and increase surveillance to twice a year instead of once a year. For example, we may recommend mammograms in January and MRI in June.

Current, ACS The following people are advised to have both a mammogram and a breast MRI annually. It often starts at the age of 30.

  • Patients with a lifetime risk of breast cancer of 20 to 25 percent or more based on risk assessment tools
  • Individuals with known mutations BRCA1 Also BRCA2 Or someone with a known relative BRCA1 Also BRCA2 mutation
  • People who received radiation therapy to the chest between the ages of 10 and 30
  • Persons with personal or family history of the following family cancer syndrome:
    • Bannayan-Riley Rubarkaba Syndrome

There are advantages to using both types of screening techniques.But Breast MRI Likely to find cancer, it may miss changes Mammogram Detect

Moreover, ACS Currently, there is not enough evidence to recommend breast MRI annually for people with dense breasts or with a history of breasts such as DCIS, LCIS, ADH, and ALH.

If this is the case, talk to your doctor about when to start breast cancer screening and whether breast MRI should be included.They can take your other Risk factor Take into account to determine the best course of action.

People at high risk of breast cancer are at higher risk of developing breast cancer than those at average risk. There are various risk assessment tools that can help you estimate the risk of breast cancer.

Family history and genetics are some of the most important factors in determining whether a person is at high risk for breast cancer. Other factors such as age, specific breast history, and breast density also affect.

People at high risk for breast cancer can benefit from annual mammograms and breast MRIs to help detect breast cancer early. Always consult your doctor if you are concerned that you may be at high risk for breast cancer.





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